Stuck Between Two In-Betweens

May 06, 2004 21:50

Into the silver mist of here-yet-not-here
Nervously I journey, seemingly alone

Before me, countless women have tread the way
Each leaving behind their own path
Thousands of these separate paths all leading one way
Wearily, every woman must blaze her own way
Each one around me a symbol of strength, of hope
Every step faintly tainted with loneliness and fear
Nervously I journey on, surrounded yet alone

Jade Strome
(© 05-06-04)


Into the silver mist of here-yet-not-here
Nervously I journey, seemingly alone

Before me, countless women have tread the way
Each leaving behind faint foot-paths
Trodden with love, tears, fear, anger, pain
Worlds of emotions in each step forward
Each their own path, yet also a part of mine
Every step before me a glimpse of strength, of hope
Now with more confidence I journey, not so alone

Jade Strome
(© 05-06-04)


The reason this was titled Stuck Between Two In-Betweens is because the first one describes more of how I actually feel right now versus the second one which is how I hope to feel soon.

Oh, I suppose I should say what the inspiration for this was to begin with because I think this is the only journal I haven't posted it in yet LOL My husband and I are expecting our first child to be born in September :) I'm feeling stuck between two worlds and between a whole bunch of emotions and such. This just sort of wrote itself tonight. The second one was actually written first but it didn't totally feel right so I put it aside and started over. The first one was written next and it's definitely closer to how I feel. Just an FYI...
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