Title: Small, But Efficient, part 2
Fandom: Supernatural/Rescue Rangers
Rating: PG
Pairing: none
Spoilers: none
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, more's the pity.
Summary: When Sam is altered during one of his and Dean's cases, it falls to another group of do-gooders to help him.
Previous Parts:
part one Gadget was determined not to let Sam go anywhere until after she was sure that he wasn't suffering any ill effects from his transformation, and since she knew more about how to tell if he was a healthy chipmunk than he did Sam let her. Even though getting a medical exam from a girl mouse made him somewhat uncomfortable, though he couldn't say if it was because she was a girl or because she was a mouse that did it.
Luckily it wasn't long before she declared that he was in perfect health for a chipmunk and he was allowed off of the couch. Unfortunately, that had its own problems as he didn't have any chipmunk-sized clothes since it had never in his wildest dreams occurred to him that he might one day need them.
Once again it was Gadget to the rescue, and in no time Sam was plucking at one of Dale's spare Hawaiian shirts and praying that the whole chipmunk thing would prove to have enough bad joke fodder for Dean that his brother might be persuaded to overlook Sam's unfortunate wardrobe issues. Somehow, he didn't think that was very likely. He was also trying his level best to ignore the fact that he wasn't wearing any pants.
"So, how do you guys get around so well? I mean, chipmunks and mice are kind of small, and people are a whole lot bigger."
Gadget grinned, taking Sam's arm and leading him outside. "Well, most of the time we use the Ranger Plane. It can take us almost anywhere we need to go."
Sam's eyes went wide when they got outside and he saw what could only be a small, rodent-sized airplane. Granted it wasn't quite as advanced as most human-built planes, it was still quite impressive. "Wow. Where on earth did you get a plane your size?"
Monty lightly slapped a blushing Gadget on the back with a big grin. "Gadget here built the Ranger Plane from scratch. She's a real whiz with mechanical stuff."
Sam smiled. "Dean would love this, so long as he didn't have to fly anywhere in it. I never said anything about it to him, but I was blown away when he built an EMF reader out of an old walkman."
"Really?" Gadget perked up, turning her attention back to Sam. "That is impressive. Maybe I can talk to him about it once we find him. There have been a couple of cases where an EMF detector would have come in handy, but I've never tried to make one before."
Sam's smile widened as Monty gave him a boost into the plane. "I'm sure that once we find him and figure out how to change me back he'd be happy to explain how he made it. I'm pretty well hopeless with anything mechanical, so even if he'd tried to tell me about making it I wouldn't have understood a word."
Chip climbed into the pilot's seat and began checking the gauges to make sure that everything was working properly. Then he looked over his shoulder at Sam who was just getting comfortable. "Sam, you should probably sit up here with me so you can lead us to where your brother might be. It's a lot easier to navigate from the front."
When Monty and Gadget both nodded at him Sam shrugged and slipped into the navigator's seat next to Chip, making sure to buckle his safety belt carefully. Dean would never let him live it down if he survived being mystically changed into a chipmunk by some unknown force only to fall out of a chipmunk-sized airplane and die.
Dale suddenly bounded into the backseat of the Ranger Plane, plopping down between Monty and Gadget. "So, where should we look first, Sam?"
"I'd say we check the motel room first. Dean has no idea what happened to me, so he's probably researching everything again and hoping for some sort of clue." Sam sighed. "He's probably going out of his mind wondering what happened to me and worrying."
Gadget reached up to pat him on the shoulder as Chip started the plane. "Don't worry, Sam. We'll find him, and everything will be all right then."
Sam sighed again, flashing her a small but sincere smile. "I hope so. I really do."
The flight on the Ranger Plane was a little bumpy but seemed to be safe enough to Sam. If nothing else it had the rather large benefit of its pilot not being possessed, which Sam really appreciated. It didn't take too long to get to the right motel room, and as soon as the suction cup landing gear attached to the window sill Sam was scrambling out of the plane and pressing his nose to the glass.
"Any sign of him, Sam?"
Sam glanced in every visible corner of the room but after a long moment was forced to shake his head. "Nothing, Gadget. He's not in there, but the Impala's still in the parking lot. He's either fairly close by, or something happened to him."
"Come on, Sam. We'll fly around the neighborhood for a bit and see if we can find him." Chip tugged on the lapels of his jacket and smiled confidently, looking even more like a chipmunk version of Dean. "And if something did happen to him, we'll do whatever we can to help."
Sam smiled slightly as he hopped back into the plane. "Thanks, Chip. I'm sure everything's fine." He tried to make it sound like he really meant it, like he really believed that something terrible hadn't happened to Dean and he was just off doing laundry or something, but he was fairly sure that the attempt fell flat.
"Dean's probably just fine."
part three