Title: Do Aliens Drink Coffee?
jade_starlightFandom: ABOFL/Stargate
Pairing: Tony/Control, though Control never appears in this fic
Prompt: aliens
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 667
Warnings: none
Author's Note: The idea for this came to me while I was drying my hair. It may be a slight cheat since Stargate has canonical aliens, but I figure crossing it with ABOFL more than makes up for it. *g* No knowledge of Stargate is necessary in order to read and enjoy this fic. Also, I've discovered that it's more difficult to write Tony without Control to bounce him off of. *g*
Summary: Tony meets someone one night who changes his life forever.
here It was dark by the time that Tony Murchison finally managed to leave the office. There had been a bit of a dust up between one of their undercover agents and a Soviet agent, and Control had very reluctantly asked Tony to stay late and help. Tony, of course, had been more than happy to assist Control in whatever manner Control wanted, though he was fairly certain that the other man wasn't aware of just how dedicated to him Tony was. And as far as Tony was concerned, it was probably better that way.
But his staying late at the office had the unfortunate consequence of it being quite dark when he was finally able to leave, and it was a fairly brisk walk through said dark to his car. He wasn't ashamed to say that the dark made him slightly nervous; after all, working for British Intelligence had a tendency to make one very aware of the types of people who lurked in the dark, and none of those were people who he would want to run into.
Tony was almost at his car when he heard a rustling sound. He paused for a moment, then when he heard the sound again he began to make his way towards it. After all, it might be someone in need of assistance, and as a member of British Intelligence it was his duty to render aid, especially if it was to someone in the office parking lot.
He had just turned a corner when he saw what looked like a person lying on the ground between two of the parked cars. He hurried forward and dropped to his knees next to them before reaching out and gently turning the person over onto their back. Then he bit back a gasp at what he saw.
The woman's eyes had flashed golden.
Tony quickly pulled himself back together. "Are you all right, miss? Do you need assistance?"
She gave him a weak smile before coughing wetly, a hint of blood staining her lips. "I'm afraid I'm not all right. I'm dying, but you can help my partner."
Tony nodded, blue eyes sad. "Of course, miss. I would be a poor excuse for a British agent if I didn't offer to help your partner in any way I can. Where are they, if I may ask?"
Her eyes flashed golden again, and when she spoke her voice had taken on an echoy resonance which Tony found rather pleasant. "I am also here. I am Zara, and I have been with Elizabeth for almost one hundred years now."
Tony's eyes widened. "Miss Zara, do you mean to say that you are somehow inside her?" He blinked in confusion. He had seen many strange things in his years with the Secret Service, but this was by far the strangest.
She nodded, then coughed again. "Elizabeth is my host; I myself am a being from the stars and rather resemble a snake curled against her spine. I cannot live without a human host."
After a moment's thought, Tony's eyes went wide. "You want me to become your new host."
"Yes, if you would be willing. And if the joining is not to your liking, I will be able to find a new host later." She looked up at him and lightly grasped his hand. "Please?"
Well, there was no way that Tony could say no to a woman who asked him for something so politely. It just wouldn't be proper. "All right. What do I need to do?"
She closed her eyes for a moment. "Thank you." She reached up with one hand, threaded her fingers into the hair at the back of his head, and pulled him down. "All you need to do is kiss me. I will do the rest."
Then her lips covered his own, and Tony's last thought before he was distracted by a sharp pain in the back of his throat was that he hoped that aliens drank coffee.