Title: Nothing a Cup of Coffee Can't Fix
Fandom: ABOFL (A Bit of Fry and Laurie)
Pairing: Tony/Control
Prompt: woke up gay
Rating: PG
Word Count: 547
Warnings: *looks up at prompt* Um, slash?
Author's Note: This is based on a recurring sketch on the British comedy show A Bit of Fry and Laurie, starring, oddly enough *g* Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie. All you really need to know if you haven't seen any of it, is that Control (Stephen Fry) is the head of British Intelligence and Tony (Hugh Laurie) is one of his agents who pops into the office now and again and brings Control coffee.
Summary: *looks up at prompt again* Take a wild guess...
here It was about ten in the morning when Tony Murchison knocked lightly on his boss's office door and poked his head in. When he saw Control standing and staring out the window he frowned and moved closer, suddenly worried. The absolute last thing Control needed was to fall out of the sixth floor window again.
"Hello, Control. Are you feeling quite all right?"
Control turned his head, then stepped away from the window and made his way back to his desk. "Hello, Tony. I'm feeling fairly well this morning. It was quite nice of you to ask."
Tony smiled. "Thank you, Control. I was a bit concerned, you see, due to the fact that you were standing so close to the open window. I was afraid something might happen to cause you to fall out of the window again, only without anyone standing below to break your fall."
"It is good of you to be so concerned, Tony. And I must admit I am a bit out of sorts today. You see, something happened when I woke up this morning, and I was standing by the open window when you came in because the fresh air was helping me to think it over."
"What did happen this morning, Control, if you don't terribly mind me asking?"
Control sighed. "No, Tony, I don't mind at all. Mrs. Control and I went to bed last night, just as we always do, and then when I woke up this morning I suddenly realized that I was gay."
Tony gasped, blue eyes widening. "Gosh, Control, I imagine that would put you a bit out of sorts. What did Mrs. Control think of this?"
"Mrs. Control was very calm about the whole business, actually." He smiled slightly. "She said that she had seen the signs coming for a while now, so she had some time to prepare."
"I would say that made things a bit easier for you, Control."
Control nodded. "It did indeed, Tony. Mrs. Control said that she understood that sometimes these things just happen, and that things would work out for the best." Control paused for a moment, then glanced up at Tony. "You seem to be taking this rather surprising news quite well, Tony."
Tony ducked his head, a slight blush staining his cheeks. "Yes, I suppose I am taking your news fairly well, Control, because I have some experience in dealing with things like this. You see, a few months ago the same thing happened to me...with the exception of discussing it with Mrs. Control, of course."
Control smiled, some of his apprehension leaving him as he met Tony's blue eyes. "I must admit, Tony, that knowing that makes me feel ever so much better. I'm not ashamed to say that I was somewhat concerned that this would in some way change our working relationship, and not for the better. I am quite relieved to discover that isn't the case."
Of course, relieved wasn't quite a strong enough word for how Control was feeling, but he didn't think it would be prudent to mention that to Tony just yet. After all, it just wouldn't do to spook the other man, not now that Control could fully appreciate him. He would just have to take his time.
"And now, Control, how about I bring you a nice, strong cup of coffee?"
Control smiled. "That would be ever so nice of you, Tony. Thank you."