icon meme and some Dragon Age talk

Aug 19, 2011 11:51

crisium_rising gave me a meme! So, since Quark is sleeping in her room and thus cutting me off from my DA2 fix (and my screenshots, thus making it difficult for me to show you the hot mess that is Thistle Hawke), I am going to do it!

(Also I should talk about DA2. I kind of love it. On the other hand, I have two full pages of notes about Thistle, because I cannot nail down her character. Sarcastic with the people she likes! Aggressive with everyone else! Supremely confident in her magic! Cocky! Rich! Beautiful! Might be falling in love with Anders, definitely wants to rip Isabela's pants off*! But what is the underlying motivation? *weeps*)

(*Note: Isabela does not actually wear pants.)

Anyway, the meme.

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.

2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.

3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.

4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee

This is an updated version of one of the first icons loquaciousquark ever made! From the School Time Shipping (STS)(so close to STDS) (thanks Mike and Bryan) episode, where Katara says smell ya later to Jet and Haru and Zuko and goes off with...the Blue Spirit. Who is actually Zuko. But Zuko's busy going AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH and I just love his expression and the way his jaw is just hitting the ground with sheer DO NOT WANT.

Spoilers follow, but nothing that would ruin the books. Mostly it is cut because MY SHIPS, I HAVE FEELINGS ABOUT THEM. FEELINGS.
ARTEMIS/HOLLY OTP. So I've been a fan of the Artemis Fowl series since the first book came out in in 2001. I wrote my first over-30K-word fic for it (incomplete and Godawful please do not actually click that link for the love of God). Artemis Fowl is a kid-now-teenaged genius criminal[ish] mastermind and Holly Short is the approximately-twenty-something-ish-in-human-years sharp capable badass fairy (elf) member of the Lower Elements Police Reconnaissance wing he kidnaps in the first book. Over the course of the series they've gone from being hate-your-guts enemies to understand-you-to-your-bones best friends, and around book three I was shipping it hardcore but figured nah, Colfer would never go there. And then in The Lost Colony he tried to introduce a human counterpart for Artemis but that really just highlighted how he and Holly are such a good pair and then they EXCHANGED EYEBALLS which basically shows they are meant for each other (I mean it comes after they go through the time stream and their brains overlap I mean COME ON THESE THINGS DO NOT HAPPEN TO NON-SHIPPY COUPLES) and from there he has, uh, kept going with it. They are a perfect team--they get each other, and Holly's able to keep Artemis grounded while he offers her challenge after challenge and OH GOD I DON'T CARE IF SHE'S EIGHTY AND HE'S FIFTEEN, THIS IS MY SHIP. It's as much a ship in me as Ron/Hermione is. And it is interesting because yes Artemis has grown up over the course of the series, although the books are still pretty written with a 10-15-year-old boy in mind, and I now fall way, way out of the target demographic. BUT I'VE BEEN A FAN FROM THE FIRST. And I will be very sad when the last book comes out. (And I will be extremely sad if my ship gets crushed.)

er, anyway, that's my Artemis Fowl icon. /cough

I have a lot of Issues with Enchanted, but omg Amy Adams is adorable, and also this icon basically encapsulates my reaction to a lot of things. In a step-by-step sort of way. SQUEE.

EVERYONE ALWAYS ASKS ABOUT THIS ICON oh man I haven't used it in ages but okay okay so anything aspectabund does involving the Queen's Thief books is just about guaranteed to make me a) laugh b) cry c) explode and this post is no different. I...can't really explain if you haven't read the books. But. There you go. Gen's having a bad day.

THIS IS THE ONLY ICON I HAVE EVER MADE and I made it because I desperately needed a Dragon Age icon. This is the expression Morrigan makes when you tell her that she is going to get to fight Loghain at the Landsmeet. She does a dance. It is so sarcastic and oh joy and I laughed so hard the first time I did it. And Morrigan is, I believe, my absolute favorite character from DAO. I could write about her ALL THE TIME. She's just so complex and vulnerable and tough and her friendship storyline with f!Warden is so AWESOME and EPIC and satisfying that when she leaves at the end you're actually sad...

...unless you're my boyfriend, who was all "I hate Morrigan" and "Alistair sucks."* On the other hand, he apparently just took his character into the Deep Roads by himself. Just for the sake of being a dwarf, walking around the Deep Roads. I. Don't always understand him.

*well if you would not leave him in the armor he was wearing at the start of the game...

anyway as far as RL goes WP and I are still the best thing since indoor plumbing (what? I rank that above sliced bread any day) and Quark and I have seen each others' optic nerves so we are ~*~closer than ever~*~ and she really needs to get her butt out of bed so I can PLAY THE GAME ALREADY. UGH.


pretty pics 100x100 or less, shipping, the man that i plan to entangle, arty fowl: boy genius, dragon age, meme, bestest friends in the world, humor, avatard: the last sane one standing

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