I have now seen it! so you can discuss it with me. or with each other. Whatever.
also this week I reread Allegiance and it made me so happy inside that now I am rereading the original Thrawn Trilogy. And, unlike the novelization of Empire Strikes Back, the prose has held up to its sturdy, quick and entertaining memories, while even containing a downright good line or two. (Stylistically. Character-wise, I hear the actors' voices in my head and just start squeeing while reading.) This may or may not be connected to the Star Wars exhibit that rolled into town (pictures maybe forthcoming? There are not many good ones, which was a point of contention for the night, also Daddy kept taking pictures of things instead of me looking at things, which was clearly more interesting), and YOU GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUYS I RODE IN THE MILLENIUM FALCON IT WAS AAAAWESOOOOOOOOOOOOME and things like ZOMG ALEC GUINNESS SAT THERE and
oh right I remember what I was going to say here, once I started off with that little Tim Zaaaaaaaaaaaahn I love you and Mike Stackpoole so muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch thing
so once upon a time
lily_handmaiden wrote this post talking about how she loves Star Wars, including the prequels? And, like, I mean, don't get me wrong, the prequels aren't too good, and even ROTJ has some seriously lacking moments, and sure I have my own little what-could-have-been canon in my head with the prequels (which has lots of room for Obi-Wan/Padme, mostly because I wasn't remotely interested by Anakin at all) (ugh passive sentence) (anyway), and sure I think
Darths and Droids has many more
coherent explanations for the plot, and sure George Lucas has made some seriously bad decisions, but you know what?
at the end of the day, I don't care. I will never not have that feeling, when I sit down to watch the movie, that this is a whole UNIVERSE I would love to be a part of in any way. I will always giggle to myself when references are made to it, I will probably always get excited when we see Alderaan at the end of ROTS (IT'S ALDERAAN! LOOK! LOOK! IT'S NOT ALL BLOWN UP!) and somewhere in my mind Luke and Leia's long-lost little sister still lives, sneakin' around the Millennium Falcon just beyond the camera's sight.
I love Star Wars, I love the prequels too, I love the space ships, I love the whole EU, I love the galaxy, and all its silly quirks,
boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada boom de yada