I was just thinking of stuff I'm coming home to so I'm not too sad that this is over. Of course it will be wonderful to see everyone again (I've missed you guys!!) and Smeegs, obviously. He has gotten horrifically fat since I've been gone (
narfy put him up to the webcam so I could see him the other day).
And then I remembered that my miso will be ready, yay!!!!! I started this a little over a year ago when I randomly stumbled across some koji culture in Uwajimaya. Of course I had to try it.... and the last time I checked it (about 4 months ago) it smelled like miso, so I'm hopeful that it will be edible. This will be the longest ferment I've ever done, so I'm really excited for it to turn out.
I will do the usual taste test myself to make sure it's okay, but if it is there's about 4 pounds of it, so there's some up for grabs if anyone wants to try any.