So... I finished. Do not click the cut if you don't want to be spoiled/ don't like what I have to say. kthxbai.
Remus and Tonks. I lived for them. Their deaths are the one thing I could not take in this book, no joke. My utter love for Remus Lupin has killed me. He started off as such a bastard, and I questioned my love for him, but then Teddy was born and.. guh. That poor child... *sighs* Their deaths were unnecesary. It was overkill, and in a writer's opinion, it didn't need to happen.
Fred. Oh my God. After Remus, Fred and George are my favourite characters. And then he just.. died. Making a joke, which is a good way for a Weasley twin to go, but... Oh God, George. That shop will never be the same. The freaking Weasley family will never be the same. George's ear.. Bill's face.. Fred's death. The Weasleys have suffered a lot, and, despite their re-gain of Percy, I hurt for them too.
Severus was good. I knew it. His death was anticlimactic to me, but I was still suffering from Remus and Tonks. But Severus... I knew he was a good man. I knew he was going to die, but I thought we'd never find out if he was on the right side or not. I'm glad he was good. I really am.
Dumbledore. Wow. This book totally tore me apart with him. I thankfully regained my immense respect for him by the end. I don't really have much to say about the man other than, he was human, too. PS: Aberforth kicks arse. Goat Patronus, ftw.
Nagini as Bagshot was disgusting. All I could think was "So -that's- what that smell is." And I'm sure it makes sense to any of you who've been reading this since 2005, but seeing James' and Lily's graves kind of sent me over the edge for a little while. It definitely hit a button in me. I cried for a little while, for lots of different-but-related reasons, after that part. RIP James and lily Potter.
HEDWIG DIED. WTF. THAT'S SO UNFAIR. I cried harder for her than I did Moody. But I think they happened so close together that I was still in shock over Hedwig that Moody didn't really hit me. BUT HEDWIG DIED. NOT COOL, MAN. NOT COOL.
Voldemort's death was... satisfying. I'm so very glad that Harry didn't use the killing curse on him. Harry was always the bigger man, and he stayed true to that even when he knew he had to kill. Good riddance, Voldy. You were effed up in the head to the max. And look. None of your Death Eaters, minus Bellatrix, were that into you, dude. After you died, they raaaan for their little lives. Ha ha. You're dead and Muggle-borns rock. Bitches.
Speaking of bitches... I LOVE YOU, MOLLY WEASLEY. I've loved you from book One, but this. This takes the cake. YOU CUSSED. YOU KILLED BELLATRIX. I wish I could come live with you. x) You SAVE that daughter, Molly! *Does a dance for you*
Wow. I didn't cry for Dobby. I never liked the character, but I was sad when Bellatrix LOPPED A KNIFE IN HIS CHEST. WTF. Bella, may I call you Bella?, you're one of the most powerful witches like.. ever.. and you used a KNIFE? The hell, man. You kinda deserved your death. Wait, kind of? You DID deserve what you got, bitch.
Who else died? Other than like.. loads of people. Oh. Duh. Harry. But does he count? He came back and all... but was that part confusing to anyone else? WTF was that poor child/creature/thing sobbing under the chair? WHY couldn't Harry help it? Shite, was it, like, Riddle in baby form? Like.. that was the part of Voldy that was the Horcrux? Oh. Right. ha. Anyway. When Harry was in the white place I was confused. *l* I didn't quite get that he was dead at first. But I'm SUPER glad that he came back. I don't think I could've finished that book knowing that Harry was dead for good. I barely had the urge to continue when Remus and Tonks died. I feel so proud for Harry. I suppose it's because he's always been just a little younger than me. I've said this before, but it's like being a mentor, or parent, watching Harry succeed. Oh, and contempuous!Harry is my favourite Harry ever. OH! And Lily, James, Sirius and Remus ghosty things made me CRY. I CRIED SO FUCKING HARD. Hell, I'm kind of crying now. If I wa Harry, and I hadn't had an emotional breakdown before, seeing all of them young and happy would have killed me right there. I was so happy something like GoF happened.
So Ron and Hermione were some of my favourite parts. Mainly when they finally snogged, and Harry's all "Mmkay.. let them have a moment... HAYGUYS. WE'VEGOTSHITTODOCANYOUSTOPSUCKINGFACERIGHTNOWKTHX."
So Finally. Epilogue. I've left out a lot of stuff, but I'll probably post more later. I loved the epilogue. I've been looking forward to the epilogue from the start. James = James. Lily = Ginny. Albus Severus = Love. I looooove that little boy. He's exactly how I want my son to be. And Ron and Hermione's kids are cute, tooo! Rose? Adorable. Hugo? I looove the name. Guh. The entire epilogue just kept me smiling. I wish to God it was longer, but I suppose I'll have to use my imagination to fill in the gaps. That and fanart. Looots of fanart. Ponderosa, Makani,lberghol, I'm lookin' at you. =P
So anyway... this (probably) concludes my thoughts on Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I'll be crying for days, possibly weeks after this. Thanks a lot, J. K. Rowling. I mean that both sincerely and sarcasticly. It sure has been a great many, many years. I cry just knowing that I have nothing more to look forward to from Harry Potter.