Today's Writing Effort Yesterday, the fob for my 2019 Mini stopped working quite right. The car has a keyless ignition, but that wasn't working. I had to hold the fob to the steering column to get the car to start, so I called this morning to see if I could pop in to get the battery changed, as that was the most likely problem. There was no one in the Service Department when I called, but my regular guy called back a little bit later because I left a message. He said to just come by and they could replace it for like $10.00. So, I finished chores and went to town. It didn't take long to get that done and then I got some food and came home. I was on the way up the hill when I remembered that Sappho needed cold medicine because she's super sick. So, I went back to the Eastgate Albertson's and got the medicine and then came all the way home.
The rest of the day was supposed to be for cleaning, but with Sappho sick, I didn't want to make a lot of noise and bustle, so I just took a day off of sorts. I did make my "Thanksgiving Feast" meal preps so that I have food for the next few days. That's going to be a load off my mind.
James and I got to talk for a bit in the kitchen before I had to get the dishes done and go to bed.
Oh, and my new Fitbit arrived yesterday. It's a Versa 4, and it's a lot different than the Original Versa that I had before. I'm still getting used to it. This has been a new technology sort of winter, as I got a new Kindle and the new/used desktop computer too.