Total NaNoWriMo Word Count = 25,030
Today's Writing Effort Getting my word count in under the wire again, but that's better than getting behind. Since I have to take Bastion to work tonight, and we leave at midnight, it's not so bad. It's not like I was going to get any sleep before that chore anyway. I might as well write.
Simeon and Ethan helped me move a chair from Christy Ann's storage space to James and Jenny's office space. Then we were at Tremper's Ace Hardware getting paint and painting supplies for the middle bathroom, when she called me and asked if we could take the chair to The Fort so that they could use it for a couple of days as a Santa chair. I thought about it, but because the truck is going into the shop for repairs tomorrow and they're going to need it for a couple of days, I told her no. On a personal level, I might have said no anyway because we just got it situated and I was not about to get the fellas to undo all the effort it took to get it into that office.
I also found out that the extra part needed for my car, which is at the Karl Tyler Auto Body Shop, is on back order. They don't know when it will be available, so if it's going to take a while, they may need to use an aftermarket part or a used part instead. If they can find one.
For fucks sake!
I just want my car back!
After Ace, I took the fellas to Paul's Pancake Parlor for lunch. We got animal feed and a straw bale for the girl bunnies at Murdoch's. While we were there, we noticed that the front driver's side tire was low on air. We stopped at two gas stations and a Les Schwab to try to get it filled up. Thank goodness for the folks at the West Broadway Les Schwab. I think they saved my bacon.
Once the tire was filled, we picked up Tommy and stopped by the bank, and went out to the house.
I had Simeon work on prepping the bathroom for painting, and Tommy and Ethan to straightening up the garage a little bit. That was something I had to heavily supervise. But the garage looks a lot better. It's not 100%, but I think it's the best that we can do for right now.
Once everything was done, and the guys had all left, I got to relax for a bit. I did take a trip to the Fresh Market on West Broadway with James to get some milk before settling in to finish my writing for the day.
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