Today's Writing Effort I got up this morning and fed the cats. Then I went back to sleep for a little bit. When I got up again, I took care of the animals before I got ready for my day.
When I got up this morning, Venus left me a dead bird, and there was a partial dead bird in the kitchen.
maxheadwidth wants to get some special anti-bird collars for Venus and Apollo so that they'll stop killing the little song birds. Apparently, there are special dyes used in the collar that only birds can see, but not mammals. This would give the birds a warning that there was a cat hunting, and they could fly away. This would also sort of force the cats into hunting rodents more than birds.
When I was doing animal care in Gen Pop, I found two dead bunnies, one white, and one grey. This makes me so sad. I think that it was because of
too much clover from the garden.
Today was
oldfellowbunyip's birthday. I would have loved to spend it with him, but due to Covid-19, that's discouraged. But I did get him a card and I got to talk to him a little bit. I stood on his stoop and he stood on the deck, and we got to see each other at least. We hadn't really talked in a long time and it was kind of awkward, but it was something at least. And I wanted to make sure that he knew that I was thinking of him and that he was still important to me.
Eventually, I had to go because I still had to go to the old Walmart to see if I could get some reusable cloth masks for James. I couldn't find any more of the ones that I'd bought originally, but I found a 2-pack that was going to have to be good enough.
My next stop was the Cricketry, from 2:34pm-8:53pm. I had to do my regular Tuesday duties and then some. *Le Sigh* I have extra stuff to do on Friday too, but at least it won't be too bad I hope.
I was going to try having Ethan out to the house to cook some food and watch a show, but he had other things he was supposed to do, so we're going to do it tomorrow instead.
At the end of the night, I slept in my room with the cats.