Today's Writing Effort There was some sort of thing going on at around 5:00am, though I don't know what it was. I do know that there was a light on that really shouldn't have been and since I got up to turn it off, I fed the cats. They didn't seem to mind. And when I got up later to take care of the chickens and bunnies, the chickens almost got inside trying to get to the meal worms. Impatient hens are impatient.
Anyway, I did some job searching today and it was ... meh. I mean there's plenty out there if I want a grueling customer service gig standing on my feet all day. I am not ready to embrace my eventual destiny of unappreciated serfdom quite yet. I rebel.
I also took Theo on a very short car ride down to the mail box. I would have walked again, but it was snowing a tiny bit and I'm not that ambitious.
maxheadwidth, Jenny, and Bastion all went into town to run errands and they came back with six baby chicks to increase our flock. At least until some of the hens get "retired" because they're not laying. Though I don't know how to tell who's laying and who isn't.
The reason I went to check the mail was that I got my new Kindle in today. It's the only real thing I'm splurging on from my Federal Tax Refund. I have yet to see my State Tax Refund yet. *Grumble* I want my money back.
James and Jenny and I went out to dinner at Kobe tonight. Bastion didn't want to go, so we brought him back a dinner to go and we all had a nice time. We went to Target after to get some supplies and then we went home. I washed the dishes and helped haul some things out of the loft for James and then tried to finish setting up my new Kindle.
The email thing was giving me some trouble because it wouldn't let me add my main email account. I use it all the time, for pretty much everything, and I was even on the phone a couple of times with a guy named Abdul to see if we could get it working right. Sadly we could not and he had to pass it up the chain. I hope I will have an answer in a couple of days and if not, I may have to return it. I can still kind of use my old one for a while longer I think, but the whole reason I got the new one is so that I could do all my email stuff when I'm on the go.
In good news though, I got to text with
oldfellowbunyip today and it was a bright spot in an otherwise mixed bag sort of day. And I sent some bunny and chicken pictures to
priapussy, which I think he appreciated.