Head Go 'Splodey

Feb 21, 2018 23:29

Today's & Yesterday's Writing Efforts


Today is maxheadwidth's birthday. It's also my late mother's birthday. I told her a quiet happy birthday, but mostly just tried to help James have a happy day.

After feeding the cats and getting a little more sleep, I got up and got ready for my day. There wasn't much I could do being a hacking, wheezing, mess. Also, the water in the kitchen is out, so that puts a stop to plans to do up all of the dishes. *Le Sigh* I did bring out all of the empty boxes from the shop to the growing trash heap in front of the house. We really need to do a dump run ASAP. Then I brought in all of the rest of my clothing and went through it all before hanging it up in the closet or putting it in bags to be donated. I even went through my shoes and got rid of a few pairs that were a bit long in the tooth.

I picked up Ethan from school and went home where I finished up the clothing stuff. I've been having trouble chewing because of the viral sore throat that seems to have blown up my face, so I've been eating a lot of soup since I got sick. It sucks when I can't eat the wonderful food that Jenny cooks because of it. *Le Sigh* It also sucks that I spend my nights alone because I don't want James to get sick.

Today was supposed to be a no-electronics day and that was only mildly successful, which made me feel bad for James since that was what he wanted for his birthday from everyone.



Standard early morning feline feed and then back to bed for a bit. I didn't go to Biolife like I was supposed to. At least now, I can re-choose the days I want to donate. I'm going to need to borrow money from James to pay my bills though. The water in the kitchen came back on today and so I sorted the dishes to be washed and started up a load in the dishwasher. I picked up Ethan from school and we stopped at Albertsons to get something for dinner. Ethan was going to be in charge of dinner and Bastion was in charge of getting the rest of the dishes done. He didn't get them all done, but at least he did another load of them, so we're closer to being done. AJ was supposed to help me do some sorting in the shop, but that never got done. Ethan made dinner and then I had to take him to an appointment in town. AJ came with us for some reason, but he slept most of the trip there and back. James met Ethan at his appointment and then drove him home. When AJ and I got home, I had him put away the chickens and make sure the bunnies had food, and I got to watch a little TV. James had his class after he got home from his appointment. But his room is 99% done and he was able to have his class there instead of in my room. He's been sleeping up there on his own for a couple of days now and he seems to like it. There may be new sleeping arrangements on the horizon when the house is all done, but we'll see.

family, cats, health, chickens, aj, staycation, bunnies, bastion, writing 365, remodeling, ethan, james brown birthday, jenny, james brown

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