Today's Writing Effort Today was supposed to go a little differently than it did, but it turned out pretty okay anyway. I took care of the bunnies and chickens and cats, though I had to bundle up Yuno and take her to the ground floor bathroom to give her the morning medicine because
maxheadwidth was still asleep in my bed and Yuno makes a lot of noise when she gets her pill. After I was done, I went back to bed for a little bit.
When we got up later on, Jenny, James, and I got the plow attached to the truck. Finally. It was a pain in the ass, but we got it done. Then Jenny went into town and James and I cleaned out the truck. When we were done, we had a few minutes and James and I ended up having a little Adult Fun Playtime together since the house was empty of other humans.
Since we had the plow attached, we took the car into town to run errands once we had gotten cleaned up and dressed again. We went to the Imagination Station to get some Yule presents and then we went to drop some things off with Shani. Then I took James to the gym.
While James was working out, I went to Joanne's Fabrics to get some things to make a sign for the parcel drop box. Then I went to Ace Hardware to get some things for the animal enclosure and some pet friendly ice melt. My last stop was Target to return something for James and to get him a Yule gift. I got him something for Christmas, but Yule is our holiday as the only two Pagans in the family. I got him a sage scented candle. I wanted to find something golden, but it was the best I could do. He seemed to really like it though and said it was the only scented candle that he's liked. Yay!
Then I picked him up and we stopped at Big Sky Breakout to pick up the gift certificate that he won from their Halloween costume contest. He got second place. Then it was off to home.
I didn't get to do any of my other holiday shopping, but I can do it tomorrow I think without too much trouble. At least I hope so.
Once we got home, I put in the bunnies and chickens and filled up their water dispenser and the chicken feed bucket and then I went in and put the wash in the dryer. Then I cooked dinner. But James helped with dinner, so that was nice. Then I did the dishes, folded the dried clothes, and got to read for a little bit and watch a little TV.
I want to give a little shout out to Dan and Gina because one of their fur babies, Carrot, is ill and had to go to the vet today. I hope Carrot feels better soon.