We Come From The Land Of The Ice And Snow

Nov 18, 2017 23:58

Total NaNoWriMo Word Count = 28,787
Today's Writing Effort

I was super proud of myself this morning. Venus tried to get me up at 5:30am and I had planned on getting up at 6:00am and I ignored her in favor of sleep. Or at least the semblance of sleep. I wasn't feeling really super and didn't want to get up anyway. But eventually I did and I fed her and Yuno since Bastion was away. Then I let out the bunnies and chickens and got them more water and went back to bed.

I was only going to sleep until 8:00am, but I felt sick. I was coughing and my throat was scratchier than normal. I sleep with my mouth open if I sleep on my back, which sometimes leads to a dry throat and mouth, but this was different. I think I have a cold. :( I slept until after 10:00am and was still tired.

But eventually I got up and tried to get some stuff done. I got the dishes from last night washed and I swept. I was going to do some laundry, but Jenny wanted the washer/dryer and I was okay with that. I said I would just do it later.

I tried to write. I got the remaining word count for yesterday done, but non for today's word count before we had to leave for Bastion's birthday bash. Jenny, Ethan, and I drove in with Theo and met James, Kitty, Travis, and Bastion at the movie theater. I felt bad that Theo had to stay in the car. I don't know why Jenny brought him along in the first place.

We went to see Thor: Ragnarok, which was AWESOME! I brought my cough drops, but didn't hardly need them. I even had popcorn. It's hard for me to pick a favorite moment from the film. It was all so good.

After the movie, we went to Kobe for dinner where after our meal, the staff sang to Bastion and played little musical instruments. It was fun and embarrassing. I spent most of the night with the neck of my turtleneck over my mouth so that I wouldn't get anyone else sick. I felt like an extra from Assassin's Creed.

When dinner was done, we drove out to Kitty and Travis' place for cake and presents. It was fun and we stayed until about 10:15pm or so. We had to get home and get the bunnies and chickens in and get everyone to bed. I was exhausted and couldn't wait to get home. I still needed to see if I could get some more words done and I got 1/4 of today's word count done.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to do two days worth of word count to get back to being ahead if I can. I only have one errand to run and that's it. I have to get cat food and litter and if I didn't absolutely NEED to do it, I wouldn't leave for love nor money. Okay, well maybe both of those things, but definitely nothing else.

And since I'm sick, I don't get to sleep next to James even though it's my night. I'm really sad about that, but it was my suggestion because I want to limit his exposure to my cold.

I hope I get well soon.

On the way home, I got a funny text picture from Dan that had this little story in it.

The Moose And The Mushroom

One day while rooting around in the woods, a moose spotted a round, tasty-looking mushroom peeking its pale cap above the leaves and moss of the forest floor. It would make a perfect afternoon snack. But just as the moose was about to gobble it up in one bite, he heard a tiny voice beneath him.

"Don't eat me! I will kill you!" screamed the mushroom. "There's poison running through every inch of me. I made it special just for big dumb mooses like you!"

"I suppose I had better not eat you then/" replied the moose as he ate the mushroom anyway. Do you think this moose cares? He's here for a good time, not a long time. "Roll the dice, baby" is his motto. He pays the piper, calls the tine, and then talks over the song he just paid for. Every time he sees a bear he says "let's dance, fatty." You can't control this moose. He did die though.

My NaNoWriMo 2017 Home Base

nanowrimo book 5, cats, bunnies, fiction: others, writing 365, kitty, james brown, health, travis, chickens, mm: marvel movies, dan s., bastion, ethan, missoula, jenny

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