Jun 05, 2008 20:27
I had my first personal training session last week and had my fitness age tested.
I have the fitness age of a 26 year old which is good considering I am 24 but my trainer has now set the goal that I have the fitness age of a 20 year old.
I had my first major training session today and I learnt how bad my sense of balance and mainly working on my core muscles to improve stability.
I started packing my suitcase for Melbourne. I've been pretty lazy which is a pretty hopeless effort because it's so last minute - I reckon I will forget something.
In other news, my search for a referee for a promotion at work is getting difficult with most of the people most familiar with what I do on leave at the moment (study and annual), is part of the selection panel and is therefore unable to be a referee or is no longer employed in the organisation - What am I to do?
I have Edward Scissorhands tomorrow night so that should be pretty good!!!