another loved one lost

May 20, 2006 12:56

I’ve watched you sleep so many times before
Your fur and whiskers gentle to my eye
I used to wonder where you went in dreams
Lie quiet now and hear my lullaby

You’ll go now where the dish is always full
Where water always shimmers in your bowl
You’ll go to where the winter sun is warm
You’ll go to where the summer nights are cool

And though the sparrow flies beyond your reach
You’ll climb the highest fence with careless grace
And all the dogs will be as small as mice
And where you prowl not one will dare to chase

Don’t be afraid, you want this pain to end
The vet’s your friend, he knows this road you’re on
Feel my caress, and listen to my song
I promise I won’t go before you’re gone

When you were young, I chased you through the grass
You ran too fast, I never caught you then
And now once more you’re leaving me behind
But someday I’ll catch up with you again

I’ve watched you sleep so many times before
Your fur and whiskers gentle to my eye
I used to wonder where you went in dreams
Lie quiet now and hear my lullaby

- Cat Lullaby by Fred Moolten and Friends

Rest in Peace, Peekaboo. I love you and you have my heart. Be waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I'll be seeing you soon.
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