Feb 10, 2005 19:51
...this will be about nothing suggnificant- just me bitching because im in a HORRIBLE mood.... so dont read . or if you do i dont want any crap from you guys. that means YOU too, you know.
okay, ive been studying my fucking ASS off for the past week and some words i still cant get, like i know ill do fairly well, this is the most ive studied for a long long while 'cause tomorrow its double or nothin... so i try really really hard, and then mom grabs my list and starts drilling me, and i had no fucking idea, i have to have the one part in front of me or i screw up.. so then she starts giving me shit about how i should study. so sorry im not living up to your fucking perfect expectations, no ivy league school for me... oh darn, im upset. and then dad starts in, and he has absolutley NO room to bitch at me, i know he was a stoner in highschool and never got half the grades i get, and def. didnt take honors, so yeah, you have every right to chew me out, considering you're never here anyways, he always leaves for days at a time for work, and tells me like, the night before... all like "huh you know im leavin tomorrow morning right? huh." and im like no, you didnt fucking tell me because you dont wanna talk to me unless its about my lees than perfect GPA, so hes like, well drrr im leaving, ill be back sometime... thanks for that shit, dad. love you too. thanks for leaving me here to put up with moms shit. at least SOMETIMES you back me up and understand.
needles gave us this SWEET test today that i found longer and more difficult than my semester exam... what does that tell you? not to mention we've all gone back to kindergarden to study the food pyramid in health class. i put egyptians by mine. i was proud. my mommy wasnt, and miss campbell didnt think it was cool either.
i had fun after school with my bitch joe, x, and my other favorites, but im so pissed off i dont feel like writing.. guess youll have to wonder now. wont you? dont lose any sleep over it, its not that important. -me.