Well this morning was full of surprises. First i came home from taking chris to work and Luna met me at the door! she busted out of her crate and was running loose in the entire house. As I prepaired myself for the mess, i narrowly missed stepping in a pile of shit. but lucky for me, that was the only thing i found wrong. i was shocked that she was so good. The next "fun" surprise i got was at the vet. the cats shots cost me a pants shittingly $114 bucks. Tiny and Angel were surprisingly well behaved. Angel only growled when she got a shot and didnt winmill feet me once! they got pretty new collars. I think there cute but they would tell me diffrent.
Next surprise was that the fishtank we got yesterday ( with a Beta and frog in it) had a huge part in the back that the lid didnt cover. lucky for me again, sassy hadnt noticed that hole! I didnt know that you could put Betas with frogs and glowlites. I love betas and frogs, so chris and I decided to treat ourselves to a fishtank ( tax return checks came! woot) it wasnt really all that expensive. about 30 bucks, including tank, fish and a filter. Sassy is highly amused with it. she sits on the sink and goes " wah-eh" at them.
Bleugh. Valentines day. I hate this gay ass holiday. Chris and I just went to meijers and picked out our own gifts. Because if i dont tell certin peoplle what i want, they'll never guess even remotely close. or they just dont bother at all. this way it avoids the bullshit of the "holiday". So chris got a Grand theft auto San Adreas and i got a book and some donations for animal control.