Sorry for the extended radio silence

Mar 19, 2011 03:24

So when I looked at my profile this morning I got an awesome surprise! A pint of green beer! Super awesome! I’m so happy!

Thank you so much asmallcrime! \o/

Though, now I’m wondering why I didn’t get the LJ notice about it. *pokes LJ*

Umm, so I figured I might as well update everyone on what going on. I haven’t forgotten of ‘As Morning Shows the Day’, it’s just that umm…

First I have to explain that I’m a HUGE fan of the Dresden Files and normally there would be a new book in the series out in the beginning of April. Only this year? The release date got pushed back to July 26. When I found out, and after I finished my temper tantrum, I got hit with the idea of writing a ton of fic for April.

Thus the ‘Dresden Files April Fic Fest’ idea got into my brain. I was intrigued by the idea of not only for the sheer glee of writing, but also as a way to give a consolation gift to fandom for having to wait extra time for the next novel. And a way for me to get fic written before I get thoroughly jossed by the next book.

So… I've been spending the last two months writing Dresden Files fic, including finishing a crossover that I got as a prompt a few months ago. I’ve been so sucked into writing for the April Fic Fest that I haven’t had the chance to add to ‘As Morning Shows the Day’, but I promise to those who are waiting for more that as soon as April is over we’ll be back to our regularly scheduled program.

For those who like the Dresden Files fic I've written in the past?

In less than two weeks this journal will be getting pretty busy. =D

fandom: dresden files, my life: good day, challenge: dresden files april fic fest, announcement, thank you!

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