Fic: As Morning Shows the Day, [part 11]

Aug 03, 2009 01:50

Title: As Morning Shows the Day [Part 11]
Author: J.D. aka jade_dragoness
Rating: PG-13, for language. Gen
Pairing: K/S pre-slash/friendship
Status: WIP
Spoilers: Star Trek XI
Warning: Dangerous & Near Fatal Levels of Cuteness
Summary: Based on the switched version of the prompt: A de-aged fic where Spock has to take care of a kid-Kirk; preferably Kirk only ( Read more... )

as morning shows the day, fandom: star trek [aos], fanfic: wip, fanfic: long fic, fanfic

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Comments 153

scoodoo58 August 3 2009, 09:32:40 UTC
Soooo, I have never seen the Princess Bride. I have been tempted to rent it before, and now feel myself compelled because my apparent lack of cultural experience.

Atleast I will be going into it knowing everyone's name, and that I should be prepared to laugh at Buttercups name. I've seen this movie, but I have seen quite alot of The PowerPuff Girls.

“He rewrote a good part of them, took it apart and then posted all the pages all over the Academy campus."That sounds exactly like what one of my friends did ( ... )


jade_dragoness August 3 2009, 09:38:33 UTC
Oh! You've never seen it? Then I've got to ask, did the explanations of the scenes make sense? It's hard for me to tell since I've seen it so many times now.

Hah. Powerpuff Buttercup. Now, I'm wondering if Westley would have powers in a freaky kind of AU.

As I own Ghostbusters I kind of wanted to make them watch that. But Princess Bride won from its many awesome lines.

*sniffs* Star Trek is real! It just hasn't happened yet. *join you in denial* Hey, here's a fun factoid. The town of Riverside, Iowa calls themselves the future birthplace of James T. Kirk. I love that. =D

I hope that you enjoy the movie! And that I didn't spoil it too much for you.

Thank you for reading! \o/


scoodoo58 August 3 2009, 09:48:24 UTC
Weeellll, yes they did. I read the first few, but it was so integral to the chapter that I felt kind of lame not knowing what everyone was wearing, what they looked like, or what kind of voice they had, that I just skimmed most of them. I'll probably re-read it after I see the movie.

The town of Riverside, Iowa calls themselves the future birthplace of James T. Kirk. I love that. =D

Me too! Especially since they voted themselves to being this. I thought it was in the original storyline or something, but it wasn't, and I thought this hilarious.

I love spoilers, they are like my favorite thing ever. People get so pissed when I watch a movie and want to know whats going to happen next. I like to mentally list possible things to happen in the next five minutes of a film and ask which one its gonna happen of the people who have already seen it. Generally whatever I guess is what happens, because I watch way to much tv/movies/books, but I am always pleasently surprised when what I think is going to happen, doesn't.


eringobraugh007 August 3 2009, 09:58:10 UTC
Really loving this series! Really loved the part where Spock's all scandalized because of popcorn in his hair. I can imagine the expression on his face. LMAO

Did want to point out on this: “Bones, you don‘t tell me you haven‘t see it before?” If you take out the first you, it'll be perfect XD

Um...and here: “The line: I don‘t think it means you think it means” Just missed the what (in front of you)

Why must you be so awesome Princess Bride?! LOL!


jade_dragoness August 3 2009, 10:03:03 UTC
Spock was thinks that popcorn is his hair is very illogical as sustenance must be consumed and not tossed as ammunition. =D

Ooh, thank you for catching those errors!

=D I could not resist covering so many scenes.

Thank you for reading.


gaylarain August 3 2009, 10:18:54 UTC
I love this. I don't own this movie but I have a sibling who does. Now I have to go borrow it and watch it again, I used to watch it all the time when I was a kid. Usually when I was sick :P.

Love that Jim gets a hint of the Spock crush but still doesn't know it's about him!

Also feel free to cover every word, I love seeing there reactions, kudos on getting McCoy first viewing happening at the same time.

My whole family loves this movie and quoting from it is such a part of my families culture that most of the time we really don't think about what we are quoting from. Such as "This word I do not think it means what you think it means" which usually just starts the whole family arguing about word definitions until someone pulls out a dictionary. Mine is a family of geeks.

I always adore seeing new chapters for this, I was refreshing all day hoping to see a new one. I am really looking forward to how the crush develops in further chapters as he gets older, and when Jim will get a clue.


jade_dragoness August 3 2009, 10:33:31 UTC
\o/ I'm so glad that you like this part!

Jim now knows that tiny!Spock is crushing on someone. Heh.

I'm so glad that their movie watching is working. I adore the Princess Bride and I want to get it right.

You clearly have a family that's made of WIN!

Aw, I'm glad I was able to get the chapter out!

Teen!Spock crushing on Jim will be interesting and hilarious. Especially when Jim is finally smacked by the clue stick.

Thank you so much for this comment! \o/


de_gnome August 3 2009, 10:35:59 UTC
I was just putting up LJ for a second when I saw your fic. You (with the help of cute little Spock) made my day :P

This makes me want to rewatch the Princess Bride, with its terrible 80's Special Effects, and its awesome story.

Please update again soon!


jade_dragoness August 3 2009, 10:40:35 UTC
*beams* I'm glad! I love the idea that my fic and tiny!Spock has such positive effect. \o/

I have the feeling that a lot of reading are going to be watching the movie again, just from the comments this part has gotten so far. Heh.

More will be along as soon as it's written out of my head. =D


uliente August 3 2009, 10:58:41 UTC
I just found this fic again and seeing it so recently updated was a pleasant surprise! I greatly enjoy reading about tiny!Spock and his interactions with the crew ( ... )


jade_dragoness August 4 2009, 04:08:31 UTC
I'm so glad you like the movie.

Aw, I fully admit that I didn't see the movie until I was grown up, so missed out on it as a kid. I'd love to join this club!

Ooh, I'm glad that the commentary worked even without working knowledge of the film.

*beams* Yes! That's exactly where it comes from. And I love how that proves Jim's point. You haven't even seen the movie or known where the line came from, but you still knew it. \o/

If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it. I went back and read it again to fix errors because I've been from the internet for several hours. But if you see any more please feel free to tell me. Improving the story makes it better, which in turn makes me happy.

Aw, don't apologize for the long comment. I'm gleeful about it.

Thank you for reading!


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