Fic: As Morning Shows the Day, [part 7]

Jul 13, 2009 06:05

Title: As Morning Shows the Day [Part 7]
Author: J.D. aka jade_dragoness
Rating: PG-13, for language. Gen
Pairing: K/S pre-slash/friendship
Status: WIP
Spoilers: Star Trek XI
Summary: Based on the switched version of the prompt: A de-aged fic where Spock has to take care of a kid-Kirk; preferably Kirk only listens to Spock, and freaks out when he's not ( Read more... )

as morning shows the day, fandom: star trek [aos], fanfic: wip, fanfic: long fic, genre: wee!fic

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Comments 165

nictusa July 13 2009, 13:50:40 UTC
So good! I can't wait for more!


jade_dragoness July 13 2009, 13:55:48 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you liked this part!


genclay July 13 2009, 13:53:08 UTC
Have a said that I adore this? Well I do.

I love how Spock's people are with him. It's great to see the how they respect the older Spock in how they treat the child.

Roll on movie night!

Ps, One of the reasons I love this fic is that you have me pondering how things are going to be handled. I personally want to see him pogress to adulthood through the happyness methord and not some outside device. I know that would make the fic very long, But as I said I love your style, so more is a good thing.


jade_dragoness July 13 2009, 13:58:30 UTC
\o/ Thank you!

Spock's subordinates like their commander! Seeing him as tiny!Spock hasn't changed that.

One of the reasons I love this fic is that you have me pondering how things are going to be handled.

*blinks* Thank you, though I have to admit that I do it partly to leave myself different paths to follow in case I get stuck at some point.

I'm partial to the happiness method myself! So, I have to see how what the story demands. =D


genclay July 13 2009, 14:12:01 UTC
You have a delicate and sensitive tone to your words. I can't wait to see how you handle puberty. Poor wee!spock is going to be so embarrassed.


1011100 July 13 2009, 13:56:57 UTC
ahh! this was amazing! (i want to say its my favorite part, but i'm sure then i'll say that about the next one and the one after that...)
oh Jim... (one little think about the movies: Killer Klowns from Outer Space is spelled with alliterative "K", i saw that just recently at the 24 hr sci-fi marathon... /nerd moment)

poor mccoy! spock, you're absolutely cute and adorable but you can't be mean to bones!

but yes. this is just fantastic (i wait with bated breath for more!)


jade_dragoness July 13 2009, 14:00:51 UTC
Thank you!

*facepalm* Thank you for pointing that out! I think spellcheck changed that on me, since I even went to the IMDB page to double check. *sneaks like a ninja to fix it*

=D Poor McCoy, his hearts all squishy with affection for Spock and the kid has no clue about his affection.

I'm so glad you liked this part!


svmadelyn July 13 2009, 13:59:51 UTC
\o/ \o/ \o/ That is all.


jade_dragoness July 13 2009, 14:02:41 UTC
That is enough! =D


dragondie July 13 2009, 14:08:21 UTC
Oh my heart! They're just so precious.
“I like you at any age,” said Jim, honestly. “I like you at every age. I told you that we‘re friends, Spock. I don‘t just turn off how much I like someone because they‘re no longer a grownup or a child. You‘re Spock - kid or adult - you‘re still you. And I like you.”


jade_dragoness July 13 2009, 14:13:52 UTC

You just picked out one of my favorite lines. I'm so glad you liked it!

I'm also glad you liked this part! \o/


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