Only sometimes...

May 29, 2008 22:29

Only on evenings when I can't be bothered to be in character do I update here. It's sort of sad in a way.

But yeah. Because I had too much free time, I joined six -- count them~! -- six RPs. Two of them are mine, and I'm doing the mod thing, but the rest are run by other people. Of the rest, two of them are quickly losing my interest because... the people in them can't write. I'm not exactly the best at writing either, but... yeah. D: Crack RPs are no fun. I'm hanging in there a few more days, then resigning from at least one of them.

There's one that's super amazing, though! I feel really stupid and inadequate RPing with the people there (they're all so amazing! o.o; ), but it's fun.

Moving away from my obsession...

Summer is going... okay. It's dull, really.  I go to work, I come home, I get on the internet. Kristie is the only person I know down here, but she's going to school through the summer so we can't really hang out any. D: This is partly why I'm on the internet so much.  I'm going to go do fun things, though! Tomorrow I'm going to see the new Narnia movie. It will be amazing <3 I also plan to eat icecream and take a trip to the book store.

On a random note... any of you guys like the Final Destination movies? They filmed some of the newest one in Mobile. XD I wish I had known ahead of time, 'cause I would have driven over to see it. Though... I might not have. Traffic in Mobile is scary enough when nothing big is going on.
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