Dark Water & Stuff

Aug 19, 2006 18:44

Mum's let me 'book' DARK WATER on Foxtell Box Office, so at 8:30pm I'll tape it and watch it hehe. I've not seen it  before but it looks awesome.

We were at Dad's  but Mum came and picked us up, because Pa's funeral is on Monday, we've got Dad, and his Aunty and Uncle staying with us.

Mum rang up Jesse's mum on Tuesday to tell her what happened with Pa, because Ma and Pa used to see them regularly (Cos Jesse's mum's a hairdresser).
We'll probably see them on Monday.

Oh I nearly forgot Doctor Who is on in about an Hour...thank god it doesn't clash with Dark Water because Dr Who is a 'to be continued episode' hehe.

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