Metal Challenge & Stuff

Aug 14, 2006 18:21

Today at lunch time, Adelle and I were walking around and dreaming as we normally do. Today's day dream was us being on a radio show, our radio show. Which involved the lines "And now to Alicia with the weather". "Thankyou Adelle, now watchout f*ckers! There's a tornado coming! You better run fast!". Then Adelle started chanting "Alicia likes logan! You like Logan! You like him! Yes You Do!" just as we were walking past two of his year 11 friends. One of the girls goes "Hey, Do you like Logan?" and I go "No" and Adelle goes "She does!" and the girl goes "He needs someone in his life to protect him from the world!" that's when we all started laughing. Anywho, this was a pathway near the quad where none other than LOGAN playing handball there :p

After school, Chris and I started walking to my place, when I see Terry *mum's friend* pull up on the opposite side of the road, so we ran across the road and jumped in the car. Terry gave us a ride home. Then for about 15 mins Chris and I were left alone in my house til mum got back. So we watched MXC on youtube.

Then we went around the backyard mocking "most haunted" with our show we call "might be haunted" cos we think both our houses are haunted but anywho, I've got some film footage of Chris now :P He had to go home cos his dinner is ready, he left about half an hour ago.

I GOT A NEW MOBILE TODAY! Just got it actually, it's a Nokia 6280 methinks. Mum and I got one, and we're waiting for them to charge.

ALSO, I have a Metal Challenge that I have to listen to nothing but Metal for a week. It's my challenge from Amy that I made her give me :p I can listen to Evanescence :D Nothing to do with Pop, Soft Rock, R'n'B, Rap etc...On my mission to become....A METALHEAD! Rock On! hehe

Peace Out...........
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