Aug 07, 2012 21:06
So yesterday my friend and I had our Teen Wolf season 1 marathon. Ran a little late because we ended up watching the last half of The Day After Tomorrow.
We finished up the entire first season in one sitting, which actually surprised me. Discussions were had about the characters and why they're awesome and how I came out victorious in our discussions on why she should watch the show. Victory dance was a requisite, of course.
Also she wants to shave Papa Argent. Apparently she's opposed to his stubble. And Jackson would be so much better if he was less of a douche. Derek shirtless is a good thing and should continue. And Stiles is an awesome friend. Scott needs to be less demanding (and reminds her of her bro too much) and she wants Allison dead. I don't know where the wanting Allison dead comes from though.
She also pointed out that she can totally see Derek and Jackson getting together. I personally prefer Stiles and Derek but I swear she is the best watching buddy I have because re-watching the first season I could see how she had a point...
Sadly I ended up missing last night's episode because we were watching season 1. I will watch later. After I psych myself out. I don't want anyone to die!
Today my aunt and cousins came over to go over the plans for the trip. We need to buy tickets. It should be fun. I really should get to packing though. I am so bad at deciding what I should bring with me and what's essential. I always end up feeling like I've forgotten something or I should have packed more of one thing over another.
I'll totally get to it...tonight...after laundry...and the new ep.
I do not like packing...what do I even need to bring....I feel like I need to buy new clothes or something. I have sunscreen so that's something. I wonder if I should bring something nicer than shorts, shirts and tank tops. One pair of jeans should be enough...I don't want to pack too much. Also since we'll be driving I need something to keep me from going crazy in the car. I should get some podfics...I can put off packing in favour of finding some new ones.