Happy New Year! (and a good holidays)
I'm trying to think of some excuse as to why I'm posting my holiday greetings late but there really isn't one aside from I was lazy. I wont lie. This break I've been vegetating like crazy. I feel bad about it but certainly not bad enough to stop.
I've learned that about myself, sadly, I have a terrible tendency to go with choices I know are bad or at least things I know I'll come to regret. I'll totally try to break that habit but I must say that I'm not all that optimistic...I wonder how much life planners cost. Y'know those people who help people (like me) get their shit together? I think I may need one. How sad is it that I think I need one of those?
It'll be one of my (late) New Year resolution: get my shit together.
This year was interesting, as far as I recall fully. Huh...wow I totally feel like I spaced out this entire year because I'm trying to think of something special that happened and I've got nothing. Nothing that I recall. I swear I didn't spend this past year high...REALLY!
Okay Christmas was fun, my family and I decided to try for a smaller quieter one but the family came so...Still I enjoyed myself very much. Though we didn't go to the 12am mass we caught the 6:30pm and there were lots of kids there. Like lots. Then some of my relatives came over and we had dinner then they came over again on the 25th for the supposed to be small family thing but didn't turn out that way party (not that anyone was complaining). The cousins and I had our gift exchange (which had insane rules and regulations that were by and large ignored by all involved so...) and I got shoes, which are awesome (if slightly big, but it works 'cause I've got wide feet) and purple! I don't know why but I've been liking purple lately - I also bought a matching purple scarf so yay! Then I had night shift so I was kind of in and out of the party, I managed to catch a couple of hours of sleep before I had to go to work. Work turned out relatively (WAAAY) easy because some clients were home for the holidays and my shift partner was awesome. I literally got everything done with hours to spare so we chilled (Space was showing Star Wars I think...?)
Then I got home in the morning, slept like a baby and woke up feeling like something ran me over. I ended up puking what was left of what I ate the night before and spent the day trying not to puke all over the place - unfortunately I had another night shift that I had to call in sick for, which I did not want to do because it was time and a half dangit! I kind of feel bad about it but I didn't feel like risking spreading something at work. As it was i didn't visit baby, which made me sad. My second cousin had a baby, who I call Baby (my family is big on nicknames) and she was over at our house on Christmas night (before I went to work) and she was so adorable in her dress, and I have to say she ripped at her presents with intent. Smart cookie that one is.
This past year was okay, from what I recall. Aside from the whole accident with my parents when some woman ran a fucking stop sign and slammed into them. Yeah, that was fucking great my parents are still in pain from it and it sucks because I go to school in another city and can't be home to help out aside from weekends when I pick up shifts at work. So yeah. Okay this year wasn't exactly rainbows and sunshine. There's been a couple of births in the family (Baby and my cousin's baby boy) and from what I understand there's more in the very near future.
My brother turned 13...so that's good I guess. Except he's like well, any other teenaged boy I suppose? He's all moody and plays video games. I'm just glad we're still close and can still hang out and watch movies together (I'm hoping that doesn't change though we do get into arguments - mostly about small things). He's also taken up the drums and we made a deal in the beginning of the holidays, he buys me something I want and I'd buy him something too. We (my parents and I) split the cost and bought him a drum set. It's white...not really my first choice of colours but it's good. He even offered to teach me how to play, I may take him up on it. He bought me the limited edition Panic! at the Disco box set for A Fever You Can't Sweat Out. Yeah, I'm a giant weirdo but I kind of love the thing. I have this weird thing about box sets, I tend to really want them. I may be eyeing a box set for Stargate SG-1, and the Buffy the Vampire Slayer one, and Angel, and Friends and Ally McBeal....so yeah box sets are my weakness. But it isn't like he paid for the price of the entire thing, I halfsiesed on it with him so I don't feel that bad about him buying it for me.
It is the year of the tiger and being a tiger I'm hoping for a good year. I've got a couple of things I'm hoping to improve and get away from and some things I want to keep at and improve on.
I want to get my shit together, that's a big one. Also get another job. Stop procrastinating (something I've not succeeded at yet but I'm hopeful) and another bog one stop swearing. I've not cussed as much as I have the latter half of '09 since highschool and I find it irritating that I've gotten back to the habit. I've been swearing far to fucking much and it's rubbing off on my brother (which isn't great - I'm a bad influence). So that's a big thing, 'cause i used to swear a hell of a lot but then I managed to curb it but now it's back and worse than ever, I don't even know why. I think that's one I can keep (I hope).
I want to keep working, so yeah. That's one thing I don't want to change, I actually want to work a little more, I'm hoping to find another job (crossing my finger). I've begun writing again, slowly but surely and I've been coming up with more and more things and I've been outlining and writing when I can so I'm hoping that'll keep up. Maybe I can post more stories on this journal. I don't know. I really got into bandom this year, so that's added to my addictions (as my friend calls it) it's kinda of good and bad because I tend to lose track of time but it keeps me occupied. It also lead to me getting back into music. I spent a good couple of years not really listening to music as much as audio books (which is weird because I read prolifically) and podfics. So bandom helped find music again and I quite enjoy it - it kind of sucks that I find myself buying books and movies and music but I try to control myself a bit. Still all good in that front. So those are some things I'm hoping will last through the year (and the future to come) - as these things kind of keep me sane (as in not crying the corner wailing about the injustices of life and how much school makes me want to move to BC and live as a hermit and try out good ole grade A Canadian weed) and with funds.
There are a couple of things to look forward to, a couple of weddings (my cousin and my best friend are both getting married and I'm so happy for them) and I think babies as well. I don't know what I've got to look forward to but I'm hoping it'll be good. Maybe I'll find the thing I was meant to do/look forward to/destiny type thing this year. Aside from that I'm hoping for good health and well being for my family. Above all that's what I'm hoping for.
Well hope the new year brings good things, much prosperity joy and happiness to all. :3