Damn Holidays

Nov 18, 2006 17:36

Oh man, I can't believe there's only two weeks left of the semester already. Time flies when you're not having fun with all your assignments, doesn't it.

Speaking of time flying, it seems to be moving too slowly for some people. I mean come on, an all-christmas-carol channel in the second week of Novemeber. It's enough to drive you nuts. Can't the over-commercialization wait until it's actually December?

Even my mother has gotten caught in the craze. She started all kinds of little projects that she tries to rope me into (of course Linds gets left alone...it's so not fair...). She's gotten into a kind of decorating craze. Right now she's making some sort of urn thingy (don't ask me what it really is) but I get stuck doing half the manual labour on it. Also, she bought a huge box of Christmas colored rice crispies, with the intention of having me make squares out of em. It's so not as fun as its supposed to be.

On that note, why is it that I'm the only one in the house that really seems to do anything. I'm the one who has to make sure the dog gets her medication when mom is out, I'm expected to make sure everyone is fed, participate in the misc. side-projects and act as house secretary screening everyone's calls, even when I'm the only one busy doing homework. Let me tell you, life as the supposed "oldest" child really really sucks.

On the plus side, I've got my NWN2 char online-worthy if anyone's interested on playing any time during the holiday season. Who cares about holiday cheer when you could be gaming instead!
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