w t f

Jul 10, 2008 00:37

I have a very serious problem.


Granted, it's not like I'm Christopher Columbus discovering the new land, but HOLY CRAP, I AM IN LOVE. PENS!!!!!!!!! Stationary!!!!! Planners!!!!!!!!!!!!! Notebooks!!!!!!!!!! Stylized and simple, well done and efficient!!!!!!!!!!! The Japanese are so freaking scary. I want to make babies with Japanese stuff. I love you, Muji. ♥

Remember Milton from Office Space?

Well someone at my office (cleaning person, coworker, ghost) has been stealing my good pens. It drove me a little insane, but I was too busy or indifferent to care. Well today I went buck wild at Muji (I think my blood pressure actually rose when I was in the pen aisle) and when I took my new pens back to the office, something wild came over me.

I LABELED MY PENS. I scotch taped bright yellow post it note cutouts with my FULL NAME spelled out to each of my Muji pens, to hopefully derail the mysterious pen thief by making them think twice before stealing my Muji pens!

Take that, pen thief!

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