Thank you to Nightshadow! *gleeful* and prompt request!

Sep 20, 2010 18:16

I saw the dragon nightshadow_t2! THANK YOU! Thank you!

The grin on my face is so wide that it's kind of hurting now. =D I love that its also green. *gloats over the dragon liek woah*

In other news!

I'm sorry to have vanished for so long but my time has been getting eaten up a lot lately. =( And now my muse seems to have been fallen asleep which is really annoying. So in the effort to prod her awake I want to ask for fic prompts from anyone.

I want to write drabbles at the very least. So from now until some point Friday, probably just before I have to go to work, I'll try to write out as many prompts as possible. =)

So, HIT ME! =D

Ummm... fandoms include: AOS, Dresden Files, Merlin, Sherlock Holmes, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Discworld, Naruto and SGA. But feel free to prompt me from another fandom, I probably know the characters since I'm such a fannish butterfly, like Due South, Highlander, Trigun, etc. I just haven't written in it.

ETA: Err, I should mention that I haven't seen any of Season 3 of Merlin yet. So please, no spoilers!

And just to clarify, keep the prompts coming! I'll keep taking them until Friday. =D

ETA 2.0: Only about 11 more hours until the prompt taking stops.

Also, I will still attempt to fill in all prompts even after the deadline hits so keep dropping me some.

Prompt taking is over!

challenge: prompt requests from thee, thank you!

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