Jun 12, 2006 23:14
I just needed a few minutes to let my brain unwind before twisting it all up with knowledge again. I want SO BADLY to go on vacation. I need a break. But my time shall come.
Umm, yeah. My day started at 4:30 this morning. Craziness. If anything, it makes me think twice about chowing down on bad stuff. I went to the gym at 5am and it was nice and empty. I may like this new time. Just wish I had a little more sleep. I won't be able to sleep again until next week, which is a bummer. But its all good, trying not to complain and whine.
break is almost over and then its time to whip out that dreded secret weapon... 'the all-nighter.' I am using this resource way too much. It shall be all over soon, just hang tight. Can I just say hw much it bumms me out when the enemy tries to tell me to give up, and that I'm not good enough to do the things that the Lord has called me to do. Its so distracting. BACK I SAY!!!!! I can't be scared of a challenge. and I won't be. I won't let it. "It is not because things are difficult that we do not try, they become difficult because we don't try"... Interesting. I hope that makes sense, I am delerious.
Back to work. Hasta...