This type of stuff is what pisses me off....

Nov 23, 2008 09:46

Joe Cook posted a link.

Yesterday at 10:47pm.


Green Obama’s official limo is a gas guzzler - Times Online

On the campaign trail, Barack Obama promised to get a million plug-in hybrid cars on the road by 2015. His own new presidential limousine will be far from green, however.
more hypocrisy...change in action. mmmm hmmmm

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Jada B Yesterday at 11:12pm
Let's support our president elect! His ONE "bullet proof" car (that will hopefully save his life is some crazy tries to take him out) is looking at the big picture.

Joe Cook (Tulsa, OK) Yesterday at 11:17pm
well...if you take time to read the entire article you'll find that taxpayers are building 3 of these lovely vehicles. Personally I could care less if it gets 2 mpg if it gets the job done. I want him as well as any / every other president protected. My point is all of his running off at the mouth on so-called green initiatives, etc. yada, yada, yada. He's as much a liar as Bush has been...just a different party and a different color skin but same lying politics.

Jada B Today at 8:50am
Well...I beg to differ. Indeed I did read the entire article and it is merely "believed" (by what source?) that there are three vehichles. Two of which may not be built the same. Besides he isn't president yet and his initiatives were to be performed by 2015 and 2050. What's not to say that his vehicle will too be converted to the greener model? He's no worse than any other citizen that buys a GMC2500 truck as far as emissions go.

My point was that regardless we should respect and support our President.

Joe Cook (Tulsa, OK) Today at 8:55am
My point is that when someone stands in front of millions and preaches responsibility that the leadership mantle begins at the top, not in policy decisions to be handed down to others. IF you were knowledgeable of history you would recognize that every president since Richard Nixon has preached the same tireless lie of energy independence, yada, yada, yada. Nixon, Ford, Card, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2 and now Obama. They all say the same garbage and then they expect everyone else to do it except them.

Jada B Today at 9:32am
IF is not a question. I'm VERY knowledgeable in regards to history and politics. In fact, it's what I'm attaining a bachelor's and master degree in. So, let's cut to the don't support our President - person or position - and I do.

WHY DID HE HAVE TO GET PERSONAL????? I'll post again IF (lol) he responds.

HAHAHAHA AFTER another one of his friends said:

"thank you jada -- we need to support and pray for our president and ones in our government ---  talking negative all the time does not make our people feel safe and secure ---  GOD in control not Obama .   we still need to support Obama no matter who you voted for -- Those having trouble being negative about our new president need to look at ROMANS 13: 1 - 5"

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