"Of course it is happening inside your head Harry, but why on Earth should that mean it's not real?"

Jul 15, 2011 21:58

Ok. I give in. That's it. You've all grown up with them, and laughed with them, cried with them, fallen in love with them. So here it is: The Harry Potter Celebratory Ficathon.

(image via tumblr)

1. Post prompts. All of them. Every pairing you can think of. Crossovers welcome.
2. Fill prompts. As many as you can.
3. Pimp the shit outta this thing. Seriously. To everyone you know, post it on your journal, post it in communities, post it EVERYWHERE, because the more people who see/prompt, the more HP fic we get.
Anyone want to make a banner or something? I want this to be a legit thing, since I can't seem to find one anywhere else. PLEASE PARTICIPATE, even if you have little/no knowledge.

fic: harry potter, fic meme, squee!, fic

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