the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite: a goodbye gossip girl ficathon

Dec 10, 2012 11:40

the scandalous lives of manhattan's elite :
a goodbye to gossip girl comment ficathon

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fic meme, fic, gossip girl

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msaliceusagi December 17 2012, 03:45:57 UTC
Pots and pans banged, bells chimed, and more voices filled the air. Next thing Dan knew he was back in pantry checking on the supply to see if they had enough to prepare for the next meal. The door opened and Nate came inside carrying something in his hand. He stood hunched over the sink holding a small velvet box in his hand in a tight grasp. His closed his eyes and started taking deep breaths.
He jumped from fright and turn around, "What? Huh, Dan? What are you doing here?"
"I was about to ask you the same thing."
The Blair came inside the kitchen as well, "Nate there you are."
Her heels click each step she took and before she reached Nate she pushed Dan out of her way "Don't you have something to do Cabbage Patch?"
Dan took it as a sign that he should go back to the pantry. When Dan is gone behind the door Blair smiled in triumph.
Her eyes soften when she looked back at her boyfriend, "Nate, dinner is about to be serve."
He didn't say anything back, "What's wrong, you look ail."
"Oh no no, I'm fine just a little tired. Go on, I'll be there in a couple of minutes."
Blair kissed him on the cheek and went back to the dining room. Dan poke his head out once Blair was entirely gone and went back to Nate.
"Now that the wicked witch of the east side is gone, what were we talking about again?"
"I asked you why were you here and you asked me the same thing."
"I heard about this job a few weeks back and I needed the money. You?"
"Dinner with the Waldorf."
"You poor man."
Nate chuckled, "It's not that bad as it sounds."
When Nate tried to move his hands inside his pockets Dan saw the bright color of velvet.
"What's that?"
"I'm thinking of proposing to Blair."
"Oh-wow. Wow, congratulations."
He started shaking his head, "Yea, thanks."
"Well don't get too excited, people might hear you from the other room."
"No. No it's not that, I do love Blair and I like being with her. It's just...I don't know man."
"Are you sure about this?"
"Of course I am, I wouldn't have this if I wasn't."
"With your unsettled enthusiasm, some people might think you didn't put too much thought to this whole proposal."
"I know what I'm doing Dan."
"Your my friend and I'm worried about you. Living a life designed by some else doesn't end well, just ask Duchess Georgiana of Devonshire."
"Who the hell is that?"
"M-My point is Nate, you always told me you are sick and tired of being your family's puppet and yet you never do anything about it. If it doesn't end now when will it?"
A waitress barged into the kitchen yelling, "Yo Humphrey, help me carry these dishes out!"
"Uh sure." He looked back at Nate, "Are you going to be okay?"
His blue eyes fell to the floor, "I guess."


msaliceusagi December 17 2012, 03:51:15 UTC
When Nate return to his seat Howard softly elbowed him in the ribs, "Nathaniel, don't you have something to tell Blair?"
The corner of Blair's lips tugged and a smile was made.
Anne replies, "Yes yes don't you dear? Go on, tell her."
Nate took a deep breath, "Blair."
He can feel his mother's grip on his hand getting tighter and his father grinning in approval.
The taste of blood enter his mouth as he continues to bite his bottom lip, "I'm going to attend Columbia."
Anne's hand disappears and Howard's grin became a frown.
Blair dropped her fork, "What about Yale? Didn't you get in?"
"I did but I feel Columbia will be better for me." He stretch his hand over the table and grab her's, "It's not the end of the world Blair, just because we'll go to different schools doesn't mean we won't see each other again."
Before Howard said anything in defense Blair snatch her hand away and stood up, "Pardon me. I need to be excused."
She leaves the room without a word and Eleanor takes another sip from her glass, "That'ss great Nathanieeel. Your parentss musst be proud."
"You. Have. No. Idea." Anne responded with ice filling her veins.
The dinner ended two hours earlier when Anne told Eleanor there was an important matter that her family had to be attend. She never did tell any specifics about this sudden situation, however she did reassure Eleanor that it wasn't too serious.
Then seconds later there she was with her straight blonde hair wrapped in a bun, pulling her husband and son by the arm down the walkway until they reach the elevator.
When people stopped barking orders at him, Dan notice 99% of the waiters vanished. The dining room was empty and faint voices could only be heard from a distance.
Before he grabbed his coat and bag he peeked through the kitchen door and try to see if Nate was gone.
The boy was still there along with his deranged parents. Nate's mother was still whispering something in his ear and her hand firmly gripped his elbow. Her cheeks and forehead was completely flushed and her pupils constricted.
Another harsh whisper and he rolled his eyes. When Nate turned his head in another direction and his eyes somehow caught Dan's.
BING! The elevator doors slowly open and one by one each Archibald stepped inside the elevator. First Howard, Anne then Nate.
Before he disappear Nate said something. Something inaudible to anyone around him. A whisper that had no sound-no volume.
Dan's eyes caught Nate's lips formation as he gingerly mumbled out the words. Thank you
Instead of trying to respond back, Dan only smiled.


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