Oct 05, 2008 23:13
why must all the one's you think are nice,
turn out to be scumballs?
idk, i'm sick of scumballs, i just wanna meet a genuinely good guy.
one that's polite, and has a nice sense of humor
but doesn't want me for my assests.
i don't want a random hook-up.
just cuz i'm single doesn't mean i want to hook-up with you, you stupid lil' boy!
i want a guy to persue me, but not think that he deserves me.
i want to have a relationship based on something besides my dare-i-say "sexual impulses"
like i want a real fricken relationship!
i won't stand for crap! at least not right now.
i deserve great and i won't settle for less.
let the fun begin :]