Feb 25, 2011 17:40
- 19:29 I'm supposed to be wrapping chicken and steaks, but the kitchen is not appealing to me at alllll. #
- 19:38 RT @mishacollins: Gadgafi said Bin Ladin put pills in ordinary Libyans' nescafe, which incited them to revolt. Anyone know where I can b ... #
- 20:40 #nowplaying "Louder Than Thunder" - The Devil Wears Prada: one of my favorite songs to 3-part harmony with #
- 20:51 ...I hate wrapping chicken wings... #
- 21:18 @ HarkiQuinn WHAT DID HYDE DO TO YOU?? #
- 22:14 @ rwob_okom SEE?! T_____T where are the pictures? #
- 22:14 @ rwob_okom nevermind, i found it. #
- 22:14 @ rwob_okom NOW YOU'RE FRANKIE! #
- 22:15 @ rwob_okom YAY! #
- 22:16 @ rwob_okom now, at some point, you have to cut your hair short and go blonde. Then you can be Mikey. But you can never be Princess Fro Fro. #
- 22:16 @ rwob_okom Because I'M Princess Fro Fro. Also, I don't know how we'd make your hair do... that. #
- 22:24 @ rwob_okom oooooooooooooh. :O #
- 22:56 -singsong- ♫ I got a cup of apple juice, I got a cup of apple juice, I got a cup of apple juice, and @BassiQ can't have none~ ♫ :D #
- 23:08 @ laurenhirsch eeeeee, I want one. #
- 23:49 @ BassiQ what is it what is itttttt #
- 23:59 @ BassiQ ooooooooooh. #
- 03:16 You are hot to trot today, even if you know that it makes more... More for Aries twittascope.com/?sign=1 #
- 11:27 Harry Potter + Tomb Raider + Fable III = #bestdreamEVER and BETTER than my dream about punching sharks on Lake Michigan. #
- 11:47 My #PowerAMP trial finally ended, so I had to buy the full version. I thought I could get used to the stock Music app. Nah. It was worth it. #
- 11:52 ...i think it might be time to rearrange my screens again... #toomanyapps #
- 13:13 t.co/dycVnby Literal Dead Island Trailer #
- 13:31 Hello, Inception soundtrack, I missed you. #
- 15:46 My sister just told me via text to 'stop txtin so proper'. Sorry, I didn't know correct grammar and spelling were bad things... #
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