I need a BIG favor from all of my friends with Facebook accounts. I mean, this favor is HYOOG.
So my best friend is in a band called
The Aesthetic and I think they're pretty good, but I'm a little biased because he's in it, but whatever, this isn't the point.
What is the point is their most recent status: "Like this if you'd buy a "Pierre Is My Homeboy" shirt with a picture of Pierre on it. 50 likes and we make them. I know he's got some rowdy fans out there so get busy."
For those of you who are recent friends of mine, this is Pierre's face:
and I want it on my boobs. sooper srsly.
So. All you have to go to their Facebook page (
here is the link again) is like that status. It's SO. EASY. a caveman could do it
and i mean, if you wanna stick around and listen to their music too, that's fine, cuz it's pretty good, like I said.
...and comment to let me know you did it? I WOULD BE FOREVER GRATEFUL AND BUY YOU A PONY OR SOMETHING.
i am begging.