May 12, 2010 16:18
Is pissed off at the state of mental health services in Melbourne, and the fact that issues arising in public from unwell people making spectacles of themselves is always the fault of the unwell individual and not of the society that leaves them to fend for themselves. Time people learnt that many of these people have no idea what they are doing, often are not even aware they are speaking aloud or acting strangely and also that what they are saying is often not their viewpoint but an attempt to externalise the unpleasant and intrusive thoughts and voices that they have to tolerate screaming in their head all day every day.
As someone who speaks without being aware of speaking, and often has arguments in public places with screaming discrimanatory thoughts and voices that are not my own I would ask for a bit of compassion from the public. I do all I can, I take medication and go to a battery of therapy classes, psychiatrists and counsellors... I can't help being like this and it is horrible to have to go out knowing that I may well start doing these sort of things on crowded public transport or in shopping centers.
Next time you see someone behaving this way try extending some sympathy and understanding for an ill person who cannot help what they are doing, is probably unaware they are doing it at that moment but is at the same time stressed and terrified to be out in crowds because they know they will inevitably start doing these things and will be judged and often confronted and humilliated or threatened by others.