Mar 31, 2009 20:52
Birthday today... 30. Teh suck. But I am not going to complain about age because Nan has threatened to beat me with her zimmer frame if I do :)
So I tried to put a brave face on it despite having spent the weekend on the phone to the the Crisis Assesment Team (for suicidality) and despite also having just finished Electroconvulsive Therapy last week. Thinking to myself I get to go out for dinner with my lovely partner tonight and so it can't be all bad. Still the day tried hard to get me.
$1,500 phone bill... result of letting me have my mobile phone while I am INSANE and locked in a psychiatric ward for 5 weeks.
Real estate agent secretary of doom tried hard to exert his tiny penis compensation syndrome by telling me that the property manager couldn't possibly sign my rent certificate without an appointment... fortunatley property manager has adequate penis size and just signed the fucking thing.... once I finally got hold of him of course and had to come back (twenty minute drive) but it is signed in time and ready to go back so we shan't bitch too loud.
I then fell over leaving the shop and smashed up both knees and re-smashed my already smashed ankle. Pain... thankyou god of small stairs.
Highlight of the day aside from aforementioned dinner was a visit back to the hospital to see my new friends, it was a nice visit and lots of funny chat which is a good way to spend a birthday but has left me feeling a bit suprised that the universe let that one through without a suprise inside.
On the way to dinner... idiot behind us lets his foot off the brake and rear ends us. No damage cause he has plastic and we have steel + bumperbar... heh heh heh... but still, Why?
Dinner was lovely. Now at mum's for a couple of days to try and get some therapy organised while Mitch has a bit of a break (I haven't been letting him sleep much) and goes to work without worrying about my multiple doctor's appointments.