Dec 19, 2008 04:35
december has been pretty good to me. i can't believe it's almost christmas, and new years already! 2008 has been a big improvement to 2007, but bring on 2009.
these past couple of weeks have been so busy, but filled with so much movement. i'm excited to be on winter break. i got a 4.0 this past semester, which was better than i was expecting. i'm really, really proud. :D i still have to make an appointment with an advisor so i can figure out what classes i need for next semester. ick. i'm trying not to procrastinate with this for too long, i always end up with the worst classes.
wednesday i got to hang out with my friend kevin, and met his friend chris. i brought them to college park with me, to hang out with everyone. i love watching people, and how they react to new/different situations. kevin and chris are both deaf, and everyone in college park (i hangout with) are hearing, so it's cool to watch them communicate, and get along. courtney and i were just talking about how amazing people are. how people took a disadvantage (not hearing) and creating a language from body movements. humans are smart, haha.
yesterday, i picked george up from the airport. he's finally home from LA. i'm so excited. i've missed him terrrrribly. it's nice to know some things never change; as soon as he got into the car it was like all of us never skipped a beat.
this past week has been a birthday marathon, with nicole, george, and cristin all celebrating this week. i went to cristin's house on wednesday for fajitas, with her family. i love that family, so it's always nice to hang out for a while.
one of my friends has been going through a bit of a hard time, and she's been holding it together so well. i'm so proud, it proves to me that people are resilient. love you.
happy holidays, be safe.