season 5 of entourage begins tonight! yesss. last month all the seasons on DVD were on sale at target, and now i'm hooked. i've pretty much watched the first four seasons straight through.. so having to wait every week is going to be interesting. BUT the show is soo good, and soo worth it. (thank you courtney)
tonight a group of friends and i are going to see PERSON L, anthony green, and good old war at ottobar. if the show doesn't run too late i think we are all going to papermoon. i haven't been in so long, and it's the BEST diner.
i closed the past two nights at work, and it's been so crazy. ae is doing a promotion where all you have to do is try on a pair of jeans and you get a free movie ticket, which is good at any AMC movie theatre/ for any movie. SO many people are just coming in to try on a pair of jeans, JUST to get the movie ticket with no intention of buying (who wouldn't). the result is a HUGE pile of clothes that all the associates are stuck putting away. you would think since we (the associates) are doing all the brunt work, we would get free movie tickets as well. nope. i hate corporate america.
-- well during my last shift, i pocketed like 18 movie tickets (sticking it to "the man"), so i CAN finally see all the movies i haven't been able to this summer (i refuse to pay $10 to see a movie).
today is a good day. :]