Title: Aw Phooey!
Fandom: Greek
Pairing: Gen - Rusty, Dale
jacqui_hwRating: G
Inspiration: June 9th is Donald Duck Day.
Warnings: General spoilers for the 1st season
Word Count: 507
Rusty, balancing precariously on his bedside table, paused in the act of hanging a poster.
“Dale, seriously?”
He turned his head to glare at the top of Dale’s head.
“You can’t put that poster up there,” Dale said, though he was still tapping away at his computer with his back to Rusty.
“I can put my poster wherever I want to,” Rusty said. “If I have to look at that flag, you can look at Donald Duck.”
Dale shook his head. “I can’t do it, Rusty. I’m sorry. You can’t put that up there.”
Rusty jumped down, honestly a little intrigued. “What can you possibly have against Donald Duck?”
The tapping stopped and Dale spun round in his chair. Rusty leaned forward, waiting.
“Donald Duck is a symbol of everything that is bad in the world.”
“Donald Duck?”
“One,” Dale said, counting off on his fingers, “he’s a bully.”
“A bully? Are we talking about the same thing? Donald Duck. Disney character. Mickey’s best friend.”
Dale nodded. “He imposes on others and annoys them.” He held up a second finger. “But as soon as the tables are turned, he immediately loses his temper.” He held up a third finger. “He should follow Jesus’ example.”
Rusty couldn’t help himself. He laughed.
“You’re rather judgemental,” he said, honestly. “I’m pretty sure Jesus wasn’t judgemental.”
“I’m not judgemental,” Dale said, with a finality that just made Rusty laugh harder. “I’m not.”
“You are,” Rusty said. “I mean, it’s okay. Most people are about something. I just can’t believe you’re choosing to pick on Donald Duck. I mean, sure he pulls pranks but never to hurt anyone. He’s always regretful. He shows remorse. That’s a very Christian thing. He’s committed. Faithful to his girl...”
“He doesn’t wear pants,” Dale argued.
“He’s a duck!”
Dale pursed his lips and watched Rusty as he stood and grabbed the poster again.
“I’m putting this on the wall,” Rusty said. “I’m sorry you don’t like it, but I don’t like the flag and I don’t complain about that. And don’t ask what’s wrong with the flag because you know and I’m starting to think it’s just there to upset people and keep them out of our room.”
He pinned the poster to the wall and jumped back down.
“Happy Donald Duck Day.”
Dale winced. “Why did you have to say that?”
“Oh come on. Does everything have to be a thing? Can’t we just agree that you think things and I think things and sometimes they don’t match up. We’re still friends.”
Dale took his time thinking it over. Rusty sighed and sat on the end of his bed waiting.
“I guess I can live with the Donald Duck poster.”
“Thank you,” Rusty smiled.
“If you can live with the flag.”
Rusty nodded. “I have so far.”
“And from now on we ask before we put anything else on the walls.”
“Fine by me.”
Dale smiled and turned back to his computer. “ I guess I can live with that.”