Day 08 - A show everyone should watch
Psych. Because I am selfish when it comes to TV, I don't actually want more people to watch Psych, because if more people watch it, the fandom will expand and get wanky and awful and right now it's just a fun and happy place. Having said that, I don't understand why everyone in the world isn't watching it, because it's just the best thing on TV right now.
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Day 09 - Best scene ever
This is a stupidly hard question, so I'm just going to pick a random scene I love. This is from Coupling which is one of my favourite sitcoms. I love it so much. Jack Davenport is hilarious and Stephen Moffat owns my soul.
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Day 10 - A show you thought you wouldn't like but ended up loving
Life on Mars. The trailers for Life On Mars made it look like utterly awful, cheesy, crap. But I remember watching it with
hils because there was nothing else on that night and it turned out to be one of the best things the BBC has produced in a very long time.
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Day 11 - A show that disappointed you
A lot of shows disappoint me. Most of the ones I really love, disappointed me massively. Lost in season 3, (though it made a comeback and I'm glad I stuck with it) Supernatural in season 4 (which didn't make a comeback for me at all), The West Wing in season 5 (though it couldn't detract from the sheer genius of the first four seasons in my eyes), Buffy in season 6 (damn you Noxon), That 70s Show in season 7 (lalalalala doesn't exist, Jackie and Hyde got married and had babies), but nothing I can think of went so quickly from awesome to crap like Heroes. What a waste of a great idea. Season 1 was amazing, season 2 sucked in every way and then it kept getting worse. I can't bear that show now. I'm not even sure I could watch the first season without thinking about how ridiculous it became later.
Day 12 - An episode you've watched more than 5 times
Far, far too many to name. I watch things over and over all the time. So how about I pick my favourite episode of one of my favourite shows.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - The Gift
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Day 13 - Favourite childhood show
Press Gang. This was the first show I was ever addicted to. I love it. I still love it. It remains an awesome piece of TV and sadly the UK doesn't produce children's television like this anymore. It was about a school newspaper and it was written by Steven Moffat (yes the same one who wrote Coupling above and is in charge of Doctor Who now; I told you he owned my soul). I still know all the words. Sad but true.
The first part of the first episode is below. ♥
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Day 14 - Favourite male character
Josh Lyman. Josh, Josh, Josh. Joshua, Josh, Josh. ♥ There is no way I can describe how awesome Josh is. He is just... The best ever. Smart, funny, attractive. Seriously, watch The West Wing.
I wish it wasn't so dark, but here's Josh being awesome. And Donna being equally awesome.
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Day 15 - Favourite female character
Veronica Mars. It was quite easy to choose a male character, even though I have a long list of male characters I love. Choosing a female one, even from a shorter list was hard, but I've come to realise that this is my easy answer. Veronica Mars is one of the greatest characters ever invented and everyone should have watched this show too.
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Just for fun (and because it'll take you to the pony video ♥)
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