I have watched four seasons of Psych in two months. I am finally up to date and now it's gone for months. Guess this means I'll be writing fic, huh?
I don't have time for a huge post since I have to go to bed in a minute, but that was awesome. Different, in the way the season 3 finale was different, but I like the serious episodes every once in a while. It was dark and creepy, but everyone was so good and spot on, that it didn't even matter (beyond where it was meant to matter).
Gus was seriously good this episode. Pretty much perfect. He got to be brave and intelligent and a damn good friend to everyone. I must have thought "I love you, Gus" every five minutes or so.
Shawn seemed so close to not caring if anyone knew he was psychic or not by the end, that I had much more respect for him. He wasn't afraid to say he didn't know and kudos for that with so much on the line this time.
Juliet has to be one of my all time favourite women on TV because she is so awesome and brave, and seriously, when she was falling apart at the end, that hurt.
Lassiter had a fantastic episode. He got to do his job and not be foolish. He got to save Juliet - he put her first above everything - he sacrificed his gun for her. His gun. If i hadn't already been in love with him, that would have done it. The scene at the end, with him comforting Juliet was my absolute favourite part of the episode, because it says so much about both of them, as people and as partners and as friends. I love them so much.
And yes that did turn out longer than I thought. I can't wait for next season. I'm excited already. ♥
Now bed, because I have to be up in less than six hours to catch my train. No doubt I'll check in from San Francisco when I eventually get there.