I attended Spectral~Erosa, last night and it was nice to see a lot of the faces that I haven't seen in two years.
rizendemon and I met over at
corpratgoon and
mbk_v2's place, then I followed the both of them to N.Augusta, SC. On the way, I received a very nice text message (thank you... the person that sent it knows who they are) and also thanks to
rizendemon for giving me a b/w glossy 8x10 print of me sitting in a magnolia tree... it's the one of me where I'm genuinely laughing at something she said. A true smile and a perfect gift.
I would post a photo, but all I want for my birthday is for MBK or Bobbie to please send me some photos that I may be in (from your cameras). I hardly took any photos last night, to my surprise. :/
And, OMFG, I have never been spanked so much in my life, like last night. That was awesome. ;)
UPDATE: If I forgot to mention this, I'd feel horrible... When I got home last night, there was a white poster, folded in half, that my sons "made" for me. It was so sweet. Cody wrote: "Even though you're old, you're still pretty". Haha. Sage did all of the artwork on it (the front of the card has an Iron Cross). Cody is usually the one that loves to show off his artistic talents, but he was too busy (so I've heard) playing a "pirate game" online. ;)
Here's a photo!!!
Bobbie, Christina & Jacqueline :}