Curse you Modernism!

Oct 31, 2010 13:30

Is it strange that I'm such a slave to period drama? Hell, I think it's a little strange. But it's so damn good! Modernism changed everything and I truly appreciate it, but realism... Realism is so wonderfully unreal! At least in literary terms.

But I got to thinking. It's odd how in the UK they have this entire sub-genre of television programmes and films. Some actors over there are only known for their work in period dramas. I guess I understand it, literature from these time periods is a huge part of their history. And then it lead me to think about North American history. Europe is just so much older than North America... There's just so much Europe has been through and North America has not. Mind you, North America is a direct product of Europe... I didn't really think about anything in depth, but my mind wanders... I guess there's a bit of stream of consciousness for you.

Later days...
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