The Birds and the Bees

Apr 19, 2010 21:45

The Birds and the Bees

It was pouring rain, and Matt was rushing home to surprise his little sister for her birthday. Jordan wasn’t fond grand gestures; in fact she hated them (especially ones that had to do with her day of birth).  But in his defense this wasn’t really grand. He was just getting off early from work to bring his little sister cake.

How many times did a young girl turn 16? Once. Matt reasoned

Matt looked over at his passenger seat and looked at the soggy cake sitting there. In hindsight he should have listened to Jordan about bringing her umbrella to work. It’s too late for that now, he mused.

When Matt arrived to his house he grabbed the cake, and began running to the front door with his jacket over his head trying to shield him and the cake from the elements.  He jiggled at the door, and in usual Jordan fashion she had left the door unlocked.  Most nights that would lead to a 15 minute lecture about being safe, but tonight he was thankful for his sister’s occasional absentmindedness.

“Jordan!” Matt called out to the seemingly empty house.

He could hear music and a fit of giggles pouring out of Jordan’s room.  Matt knew exactly who was keeping his sister company. Adrian Fell.  A bubbly blonde, with a knack for speaking a bit too much, but Jordan really lit up every time she came around. So Matt didn’t complain.

He wasn’t planning on eavesdropping, no not at all. He wanted to quietly make his presence known to the girls without scaring them to death.  Just when he was about to tap on the slightly ajar door, Jordan began to speak;

“I’m finally gonna do it” She beamed “….with Jeff Wilks” Jordan finished

“Are you sure, that’s kind of Major! Aren’t you afraid?”

“No! Why?”

“I heard it hurts a lot. And this is your first Jordan”

“Jeff said it’s no big deal...Mike and Beth-Ann did it a couple weeks ago…”

“And?” Adrian interrupted

“She said it was no big deal”

“What about Matt?

At this point Matt knew he should walk away from the door, but the sick feeling in his stomach to him to stay. No way in hell is this happening!

“Matt’s leaving on Friday, and won’t be back for a couple more days. I’ll do it then”

Yeah, right! That’s what you think. , Matt thought silently.

Matt walked back to the kitchen. He took yet another look at the cake. It looked ten times sadder than before.

He called out once again, this time louder so the girls could hear him this time “JORDAN! I am home”

The girls stumbled around and finally stepped out into the kitchen.

“Matt?” Jordan began “You are home early”

“I hope you don’t mind that I came over, Mr. Vaughn.  I just didn’t want Jord…I mean Jordan to be home alone, sir”

Matt chuckled. It always amused him how proper Adrian was. Her mother was a debutant from Texas, and her father worked in the real-estate market.  She was so proper and formal. Matt thought that when she came here, Adrian could really let loose and be herself.

“Adrian, I told you. You can call me Matt”

“Or butthead” Jordan interjected “That works too” the girls began to giggle.

How could his baby sister (who still used words like butthead) be ready. To.…Have….. Sex?  He really couldn’t think about it anymore without wanting to vomit.

The evening went on and celebrated one more year of Jordan. They all shared dinner and cake. Talked about nonsense and watched a movie.

About an hour later, Adrian’s parents came to pick her up.

Jordan was quite tired, and decided to go straight bed. So Matt figured he would talk to her in the morning.


When Matt woke up, he slowly dragged his body to the kitchen.

“Coffee” he muttered to himself, like some sort of zombie

“You know, going out for a early morning run will give you such a better high, than that gross coffee” Jordan appeared from around the corner

“Not now Jord. It’s early”

“Okay grumpy” Jordan turned on her heals and left into the living room.

Matt followed her. Now was the time for a talk. True he was only half awake, but he feared that he wouldn’t ever get the nerve to bring it up.

When he arrived in the living room, his sister had already begun her yoga.

“Jordan, can I talk to you for a couple minutes”

“Sure Matt”

Matt seated himself on the couch while Jordan stayed sitting on the floor.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop last night, but heard what you and Adrian were talking about”

“MATT!!” Jordan shouted “That’s like, total invasion of…whatever”

“Privacy….I mean that’s not the point. Let me finish!”

“Remember Kara?”

Jordan was reluctant to answer, she was still upset. “Yeah, she was your ex-girlfriend from hischool who used to live next door.  So?”

“Okay. Remember when you started…ummm…. Your monthly woman thing....”

“My period” She said it patronizingly “You wanted to rush me to the hospital. Kara came over and calmed you down” Jordan began to laugh at the memory.

“Then she sat down and talked to you, right?”


“Well what did she say?”

“She told me I was fine. Not to be worried. It happens to all girls eventually. Then she said what exactly was happening to me and my body”

“Good” Matt nodded “Did she talk to you about…”

Jordan’s face went from upset, to horrified.

“Not only did she tell me, but so did my teacher in the 5th grade and all the kids in my school since then”


“I am going to be straight with you, Jordan Marie. I know you want to have sex with Jeff Wilks. Just because Mike and whoever did something doesn’t mean you are ready for something like this. Sex should be shared by two people who not only love each other but also are mature enough to handle it. It’s more just the physical…”

It was at this point in his speech that he looked over at Jordan to see her giggling to herself.

“What’s so funny”

“I DO NOT want to have sex with Jeff Wilks”


Matt didn’t know whether to be confused for relieved.  He decided on the latter.

“Jeff Wilks is gay. Like big time G.A.Y.”

“Oh” he barely whispered. Matt felt pretty embarrassed at this point.

Jordan got up from the floor, and sat next to Matt on the couch, “I’m pretty damn smart, bro. And you raised me right…You do not need to worry about me and sex. Promise” With that she kissed him on the cheek.

Jordan began to leave the living room, but before she could make it upstairs Matt stopped her,

“Wait, then what where you and Adrian talking about?”

“Oh. That….Well I guess I should just tell you”

“Out with it” Matt insisted

“I want to get a tattoo”

Matt smiled to himself and Jordan ran up the stairs to her room.  When her worlds finally sunk in, it hit him.

Matt stood up with a start.

“Like hell you are getting a tattoo”

Jordan stepped out of her bed room, looking at her brother at the bottom of the stairs.

“At least I’m not having sex”

Well she had him there.

“What kind of tattoo?”


original character, character: matt vaughn, original fiction, character: jordan vaughn

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