Nov 25, 2004 11:30
h a p p y t h a n k s g i v i n g . . .
I'm not in the best mood right now. I don't really know why. People piss me off, esp people who are shady. psh. Talking to rach before kinda helped though. she's so wonderful. I love her phonecalls. --- More then anything this Thanksgiving I am thankful for my friends & family. Esp for my Alexandra who is always, always, always there for me. I am her mother. She is my daughter. I look you cheesecake. I am thankful for the wonderful times I have with my friends, and thankful that my family is getting healthier [long story...]
Yesturday was most wonderful. After a half day of doing nothing but watching Shrek 2 & having the prayer service, we (being me & xan of courseeeee) met up with the crew at Lakeside. It was um me, Xan, Jack, Kelly, & Jenn. Boy I was starvinggg. Jenn & I slip the most delicious sandwhich um EVER. Then Brianne & Juliaaaa came.. soo loud! Xan showed everyone my "messy bun" video. *blushes* hahahaha messy bun ohhHH messy bun! SLUT. just kidding just kidding. So we just hung out there for like three hours & made some more memories. I must of asked Jack if he thought 100 gals were pretty. Haha I love my friends. So then we went to Alexandra's house : Me, Kel, & Jack. Everyone else ditched ussss. ): I acting so ridiculous. We watched Shrek 2 & I snuggled with a certain someone. <3 I was so tired that I almost fell asleep. I'm terribly sorry about my hair. hehe. So then we just fooled around & played like hide and seek & junk. We are the biggest goodballs ever. People apprently like to malest [sp?] me with blankets. Not cool. It's come to the point that it doesn't matter what we are doing.. we are always having a good time. I love my friends to deathhhhhh.
Time for Thanksgiving dinner.
Pictures [taken by alexandra] will be on here later fo shizzzz.