May 15, 2006 17:08
My apologies if I worried you with my last entry. I was just extremely frustrated with everything that was happening around me. You will be pleased to know that my mood is completely reveresed and im happy as a clam. Clam.
But if i was actually manically depressed and contemplating suicide, i know now that none of you would show your support. Thanks you bastards :-P
I am really looking forward to the band concert tomorrow. For one, it is my last performance with the concert band ever. I also get to play a sweet funky solo on zee bass guitar and get to perform in a trio consisting of Mr Palumbo, James Eddington and I. Music is the one thing I have never given up on. Most other things in my life have dissipated in their importance, but ive been performing my little heart out musically since i was a tiny little chap. Sure.. the quality has gotten better over the years.. I remember in Lyons, when I was in 5th grade, we got horribly off in a jazz band song and the conductor (of whos name I cannot recall) cut us off and made us start over. That was humiliating. I remember the day my first bass came in the mail. The first day Bert came into my life. I sucked so bad at it - yet I did not give up. Pokemon cards, karate, cutting myself, and stealing rich peoples toilet paper were all parts of me that slowly but surely became obsolete. I stopped kidnapping babies, playing with matchbox cards, and masterbating to merely photographs. However, music has always been there. And I know that it will never let me down. Unlike Jesse Collins. Who let me down. But it's cool, because I released a jar of crickets into his pillowcase the other day. So it's cool if he lets me down. I'll forgive him... in the end.
I know I may have inferred that I was unhappy in my previous entry. And on the surface, i was. However, deep down I know there is one person who can always cheer me up and make me feel like 400 million dollars in a room full of gold with a giant cat sitting on a silver and bronze statue of Harriet Tubman. Amy D'Silva... I love you. And I don't care who knows it. You are the love of my life.. and don't ask me how I know, because I just do. I have grown up so much in the last 4 months, and I have you to thank. When I kiss you it is as though time freezes and nothing else matters. Happy anniversary you wild Indian princess ;-)
I have a bowl of black jelly beans in front of me. I do not enjoy black jelly beans. Black jelly beans always seem to be the last jelly beans left in the bowl. I think alot of people share my dislike of black jelly beans. Black Jelly Bean haters need to unite...hand in hand... and overthrow the monarchy.
Hope you like your present. I tried *wink*
Work it!