the pistachio shells surround and engulf me... the world is now salted

Aug 04, 2005 22:16

No I will not jerk off Roger Ebert for $30. I mean, honestly, it's Roger Ebert. I'd do it for free.

I just got back from a youth film festival in rochester and I must say I'm inspired. Seeing highschoolers create award winning short films is amazing, and I think I'm going to try to enter the contest next year. It is hot as hell and I am wearing 2 shirts. Why did I decide to wear 2 shirts? It really wasn't the smartest idea. I mean, I had the choice of wearing 1 shirt, and yet I chose to add another layer. I think there is something incredibly wrong with my mind. It's like I'm unknowingly trying to dehydrate and butcher myself. Ok, shirt is off. Shirts are off* Yes, both shirts. Sexy? No. Gross? Meh, yeah probably.

I hate to say it but I am kinda looking forward to the school year. All of this senseless partying has ruined my head. I need to get back to a strict routine. This being said, I will not stop my senseless partying until the absolute last minute. And by last minute, I seriously mean last minute. You know, a shot of Boston before first period.. hehe.

We ate a big ass watermelon last night. Jimmy gleeked right on Brian Gussler's face. If you dont know what gleeking is, its when you shoot liquid through your teeth in a weak stream. Now, most gleekers dont have accuracy. James Eddington on the other hand has mastered the artform and can skillfully control the destination of the "liquid beam." Way to go James. Way to go.

As I told SOMEONE a million times, I dont have any good topics to write about. So this SOMEONE better be fucking happy because I wasted a perfectly good blank lj entry to make this. Good thing im very fond of SOMEONE because I would never waste a lj entry on anyone else ;-)

Patience is a virtue.

I'm gonna miss you, even if its only for 2 days. I would also like to say.... I HOPE KRISTIE IS HAVING FUN ON HER CRAZY TRIP!

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